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No Guards in Gardens, please


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I've always wondered WHY, for the love of Mara, city guards have the need to go through player's back yard - especially garden. It's fine if they pass by the homestead - they're keeping watch after all, but posing as gardeners is beyond awkward.


I've noticed this issue both in vanilla and modded player homes. When I arrive to my home, or leave the house after a while, I frequently find guards walking around my back yard like they bloody own it, and they also often dig around my planters. And they make random comments while they're at it, as if they met me in the middle of the street.


I can't find where the issue stems from, because I don't know what to look for in CK/xEdit. If anyone can make a fix, please "assign" the guards with their actual duty.

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I'm genuinely sorry that I don't know how to mod dialog. If I did, I would totally add "Come back with a warrant." for you.

If a script is making guards trespass, then it would actually be possible to make a small dialogue. But I don't know how to add dialogue either (at least not yet).

And that line would have been cool :)

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For the vanilla homes, is it all of them, or only some? You might have some luck opening them up with CK and seeing if there is a patrol marker in the garden, then moving it out onto the sidewalk. That way you don't have to mess with anybody of the linked references, but just the position of the one marker. If it's something scripted, then I'm totally lost, unfortunately.


*edit* They're the blue, flat plates with one pointed end, sometimes hard to see with brush or terrain fluctuations. Make sure markers are enabled, with the M key.

Edited by thumbincubation
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Thanks for the advice :thumbsup:

For some reason I'm still a bit lost in CK when it comes to moving stuff and figuring out what goes where in actual cells. But I'll give it a go.

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Don't feel bad. Me too.


This is an overhead view of the little garden, off to the side of the Riften home. The blue "home plate" looking thing is the guard's patrol marker. For this particular house, using only Skyrim and Update as master files, it seems like it's in the right place for the guards to stay on the sidewalk and out of the garden. If there's a mod involved, perhaps the guards' AI packages have a generous wander ability and they're moving in there to "use" some farming marker, maybe?





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I usually "live" in Riverside Lodge and it's bloody plagued by those blue plates. Look at this s***:


Can I just delete them all? Some of them refer to children and the dog, I suppose I should leave those (although I never adopt children). The ones in the garden refer to farming, but no one should tend to the garden except me and I'd like to keep it that way. That is actually where I usually find the guards.

Edited by Katarsi
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Eek! Ok, this is my guess, based on how I set up some of my mods. My guards, unlike those in vanilla, don't have patrol markers. They just have wide range sandbox packages, so they can kind of wander around and use various markers and furniture, including farming markers. I suspect this might be what is happening with yours. Double check by left-clicking on the blue farming markers and see if they have any tiny lines from them, like the one in my pic, to denote being linked to something. If you see lines, double check by double clicking and checking the linked ref and linked from tabs. If they are linked, I *think* it will involve checking their entire patrol route, and possibly changing their AI package, to make sure you don't run into problems with them trying to follow a link that isn't there anymore. If they aren't linked to anything, you should be good to delete them entirely.


Another option would be to tweak their AI package to disallow the use of the markers and furniture. Possibly, and I don't know for sure because I have never done this, you may be able to just make the marker "ignored by sandbox", so they can't use it during idle times, unless specifically linked to it. Here's where I got that part from: https://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=Idle_Markers


Also, Darkfox127 does some nice tutorials on setting up guards and also idle markers, which may help to reverse engineer a fix for this, if it turns out to be more complicated than simply being able to delete them.




If I get the chance, in the next few days, I'll try to download Riverside Lodge and see if what it looks like, if you haven't found a fix by then.

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