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No Guards in Gardens, please


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I removed only the blue plates from the planters, by cutting them out. I had no warning of related markers or references, so I think it'll be fine.

It was extremely hard to click on them because they were covered up by the planter markers which are necessary for player's interaction.

I hope this works, and if it doesn't, I made a backup of the original plugin, so I can try again.


I also did some landscaping and clutter control, while I was at it. I moved and resized some trees, because my tree mod makes them bigger so it looked too cramped and unnatural, with a lot of architecture clipping. And I removed a buggy fish bucket from the terrace; that thing sometimes jumped around on its own like crazy for some unknown reason, while producing horrible noise. And I also removed a sh*tload of baskets. I have no idea why the original author felt the need to stuff them in absolutely every nook and cranny of the house.

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Skyrim is a land littered with baskets.


If you run into trouble with things being in the way, you can select them and hit the 1 key twice. That will hide them from the kit, temporarily. If they're still selected, you can bring them back into view by hitting 1 a third time, or by using ALT + 1. f5 also refreshes all of them. I use it a lot for trees, fog, snow, ceilings and chandeliers, banners, and other stuff that makes it hard to select what I want.

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