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What programs are "essential" for modding Skyrim?


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I know NMM, SKSE. Are BOSS and Tes5edit really essential? Can someone tell me how load orders are supposed to be? Ex: .esm is first, then unofficial patches, then quest mods, then armour and weapons? And what does cleaning do? Using Tes5edit?
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BOSS + BUM - BOSS auto sorts all known mods, BUM will let you place the unrecongized mods so you don't have to move them into place every time!

SKSE - A simple must if you want any good moods!

TES5EDIT - If nothing else, just get this to clean the offical DLC!

Skyrim Installation Swapper - If you want to be able to easily swap between skyrim installs (including a vanilla unmodded install) and totally separate save profiles for each install! This program doesn't work well with NMM, but I personally really dislike NMM! ^_^

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Skyrim Installation Swapper - If you want to be able to easily swap between skyrim installs (including a vanilla unmodded install) and totally separate save profiles for each install! This program doesn't work well with NMM, but I personally really dislike NMM! ^_^

Or you can just use Mod Organizer.

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I think having a look at this might be a good idea.


EDIT: My apologies, you seem to know more already, than most of this video might teach you.


I think it depends on how much you mod. I have done some heavy modding and all I really needed so far was NMM, SKSE and BOSS. I use NMM and BOSS, because I am lazy, another mod manager could do the job as well (if it's compatible with the install scripts) and before I knew about BOSS, I ordered mods by applying simple logic and some trial and error. So, ultimately, what you really need is SKSE and/or Script Dragon (depending on what mods you use, of course).


About cleaning the mods: While I am not experienced enough to make a general statement - I have been modding Skyrim for only roughly two months now - I have yet to encounter a problem, that could be fixed by cleaning mods. I tried this more than once (following different guides by the book) and never solved anything. I also often read in mod descriptions, that "this mod" does not require cleaning, no matter what this or that tool says. I have come to the conclusion, that cleaning mods and its magic effects is as much a legend as clean saves are. I think both should be used if you either really know what you are doing or if you have tried absolutely everything else and are at the end of your trick inventory.


However, I will gladly stand corrected about the cleaning process, if I dismiss it too quickly, just because I cannot observe the benefits directly.

Edited by baltasaronmeth
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