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Still Crashes


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I have tried everything that everyone suggested. I changed the ini files to iNumHWThreads=2 and bUseThreadedAi = 1 and have set the settings to medium aND have created a merged patch for all my mods to get along better. So how can this game still crash when I exit an interior or try to fast travel every now and then?

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If what you are describing is only an intermittent problem, that's just the nature of the beast. FO3 will do that with an unmodded game. One thing you didn't mention in your description was turning off the in-game auto saves and using a save manager like CASM. The Gamebro engine is buggy as heck.

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And we come back to my original question. Is the problem intermittent? If not how often are you experiencing this crash, is it on every exterior exit/fast travel, or only occasionally.

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Occasionally, but it has increased in volume. So it might be with the memory I've got. But I'm having more problems already, my computer can't find the bink32.ddl even if it's in the damn game directory. Is it because I installed the game to a different hard drive?

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I remember reading about problems with nVidia cards, but I thought they were a thing of the past. A good place to start might be this thread: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/93283-for-those-with-nvidia-cards/?hl=%2Bnvidia.


As far as the crashes go, I'm still fairly certain that what you're describing is nothing more than basic FO3 behavior. Random crashes, the occasional endless load, and corrupted save all occur with shocking regularity in an unmodified game. One thing I have noticed that seems to help is opening all active mods in FO3Edit, start at the bottom and work your way up selecting the "Sort Masters" option for each mod.

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