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3ds MAX 6


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Ok I finally bought Milkshape and 3ds MAX 6. I start to model my own sword but I ran into a slight problem. Any character that equips my weapon will grasp it by the blade, not the handle. I did some investigating on this matter and it turns out that I need to place a pivot where I want the character to hold the weapon. I tried tutorials for 3ds MAX but they turned out to be complete hoaxes. Google just led me in a never-ending loop across the Internet, and trying it by myself has lead me absolutely nowhere. So I am sorry if this has been posted before but the search menu does not work for me. So I m asking politely, How would I go about placing a pivot where I want a "handle" on my model? Again, sorry for posting this but I really need help. Thanks in advance ^_^ .


*Ok I have just experimented a little more and I think I might have found the answer, could you selcet "Helpers" from the creation list (the right-hand menu), select "Standard" from the drop-down list, and then select the "Point" buton? Well, any help is still apreciated.

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5) Move object to 0,0,0 using the manual entry box for coordinates. That will align the pivot point at 0,0,0 as it should be. Note: in the top view, the weapon should have the point facing up, with the cutting edge on the left.


6) Save and export.

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Thank you, I'm glad we have people like you here who have experience in 3ds MAX. Again, thank you.


5:51 PM: I seem to have another problem... :blush: . I can export the model perfectly fine and the textures are .TGA files. When I try to put my Item (Sword) into the game by making it a weapon and simply dragging and dropping the Sword into the render window I get a message error that claims it could not find "ADE.00.TGA" and "NDEL.TGA" Can anyone help with this? Do I need to make an extra texture file in TGA format for the game to simply read? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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