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While talking with Alistair about Arl Eamon, he tells you how he came to be raised by him. He indicates that his mother died shortly after his birth. When you ask him if hes sure that Eamon isnt his father, he tells you his father died even before that (I am assuming the "that" hes referencing is his mother's death). Then in the discussion with Goldanna you find out his mother actually died during childbirth. So, his father must have died while she was pregnant. The problem comes with the lad screen that says Cailin and Anora married 1 month after his father's death which was 5 years ago. If that is the case, the oldest Alistair can be is 4 years old. Grrrr
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Alistair's version of events varies depending on when you talk to him about various things. If you ask about his childhood before he's told you that he's Cailin's bastard you get a different version than if you don't ask him about that until later, when you already know more of the "real" story.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wow, since this is my first play through the game and I got myself a lot of the mods that seemed sensible, I never saw that - my modded version refers to Cailin as Alistair's half-brother, which makes him Marric's son. Awesome to see how many little details the mods can improve.

Edited by Estara
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I mis-spoke. Of course I meant "Marric's bastard". :laugh:

Cailin was, indeed, his half-brother.


But what Alistair tells you about his (knowledge of his) mother, his up-bringing, and his relationship with Arl Eamon is what varies depending on when you ask him about it. :thumbsup:

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