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Permanent sitting bug.


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Quick overview of the problem:

All characters free to wander around are stuck in a sitting position. They can talk; and followers will draw their weapons with me; but as soon as weapons are sheathed they return to sitting.

Followers move to player upon fast travel.

Disable/enable console commands do not help.

No mods were installed/uninstalled in between the two save games I did. The only notable event I can think of is that I updated FNIS Behavior, with no unusual error messages.

I run SKSE with FNIS.

No sitting animation replacer mods installed; but I do use PC exclusive animation pack as well as other of xp32's animation replacers for the PC.

I had Puppeteer Master by JohnB installed recently, but after uninstalling it I didn't get this problem; only several save games later.


Picture: http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz306/dragonflights3/sittingglitch.jpg

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I have been dealing with this same problem for omnths now with no resolution. I have erased and reinstalled skyrim on my computer three times over the last year, and its happened to me all three times. Maybe someone will see this post and offer some advice, but Im not gonna hold my breath lol.


Here's a couple things I've learned about the bug when it happens to me:


- I'm pretty sure its a bug that has to do with FNIS (Fores' New Idles) not getting along with something.

- It occurs in specific areas/cells in skyrim, both indoors and outdoors, not sure why but it feels like location has something to do with it as well.

- Once it occurs, that save stays that way, no matter what patchers or programs I run or re-run (including GenerateFNISforusers).

- If I go back far enough, up to 5 or 10 hours worth of saves back, I can resume an old save without the problem, but run into it again eventually.

- One time I temporarily fixed the bug by reinstalling the game, but it only worked that once, and still got the bug again later.


I tried to uninstall FNIS and all my othert animation mods, but it froze all actors in a standing position, including me, even after re-running GenerateFNISforusers after the removal of the mods. It can get pretty maddening lol. Anyway, I hope this info might help you out in some way.

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  • 9 months later...

Alright so I know I'm dabbling in necromancy here, but... I googled follower stuck sitting and this popped up. So I figure I'll drop a solution here incase anyone else googles this up.


I managed to solve this little glitch by using amazing follower tweaks and commanding the follower to sleep. It seemed to snap her out of it and get her back to normal.

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