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I have a bit of an issue using console commands to marry certain characters, but my issue is a pretty uncommon one since I cannot find it anywhere on Google or UESP or the Wikia. Below is the batch file I created for Sylgja. The reason why I created this batch file is so that I can start PreCC (Pre Character Creation) with Sylgja being a Spouse and Follower option. For Role-Playing purposes, I have a big Fan Fiction story I'm going to write but I want to first play it out.

player.setrelationshiprank c3a46 4
setrelationshiprank c3a46 4
c3a46.addfac 19809 1
c3a46.addfac 5C84D 1
c3a46.setlevel 81
c3a46.setav health 100000
c3a46.setav magicka 100000
Now these lines work. However, I want to draw attention to the Bold, which is "c3a46.addfac 19809 1" (c3a46 is the refID of Sylgja) and "c3a46.addfac 5c84d 1". I knew that one could do "Player.addfac" so I figured you could Actor.addfac where actor is the refID of an NPC. This indeed works for Sylgja.
Now here is where the issue starts. I want to create batch files for other NPC's. One would assume that since "c3a46.addfac" works that you would be able to put any actor value, but you can't.
I tried typing in "198ee.addfac 19809 1" where 198ee is the refID of Hroki but I get an error message stating "Script command 198ee.addfac was not found". So my question is, why do some actor values work and other's don't?

Q&A's that I found out already:

Q: What other NPC's can I use this method of "addfac" on?

A: Saadia is the only NPC I found that I could use it on.
Q: Maybe this method of "addfac" does not work on tavern members?
A: Both Saadia and Hroki work in Taverns but Saadia works and Hroki doesn't.
Q: Maybe Hroki and other NPCs can't get married via Console commands.
A: I've read and have seen videos where Hroki was married to the player.
Q: Dude just click on the NPC then type "addfac" you don't have to do this "actor.addfac" thing.
A: Like I said I want to do it PreCC and I'm also doing this for RP purposes.
Q: Maybe the ID's are wrong?
A: I get them from Skyrimsearch.com, UESP, and the Wikia.
Q: Try using BaseID's?
A: I have and they still dont work
Q: Try using "addtofaction" instead of "addfac"
A: Still did not work.
Q: Maybe the ID is not compatible with the "addfac" command but can be used on any other command.
A: I can use "player.moveto c3a46" (Sylgja) but I cannot use "player.moveto 198ee" (Hroki)
Q: What Other NPC's have you tried it on?
A: Annekke Crag-Jumper (1b092), Adrianne Avenicci (1a67c), Olfina Gray-Mane (1a685), Illdi (198d1), Lisette (198a2), Vivienne Onis (198d3), Susanna the Wicked (1b11b). Lynly Star-Sung (19e03), Muiri (198f8), Fastred (19e06)
I know this was a lot to read so THANK YOU for reading.
EDIT: Found this while searching more, "Some NPC's simply cannot marry (regardless of voice files), as far as I've been able to figure out (this is common with several shopkeepers) I haven't been able to find the exact reason why." Seeing as Hroki/ Lynly are shopkeepers this could explain my problem. Anymore help would be welcomed, Thank you, again.
Edited by dorrionfinley
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May or may not be the cause. According to the wikis her class is Child. This might be why it doesn't work. It may be that with the release of Hearthfire those actors in the Child class were blocked from being marry-able.


At any rate, a google search brought this up from the Steam Workshop. Might solve the problem for you. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=159971579

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Thanks Ishara for replying. I figured that the Child class might be the problem, however it still doesn't explain why I can't do this to the other NPC's like Annekke, Adrianne, Muiri etc. Hroki was just an example because she was the first NPC i could think of when testing the "actor.addfac" method.

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Q: What Other NPC's have you tried it on?
A: Annekke Crag-Jumper (1b092), Adrianne Avenicci (1a67c), Olfina Gray-Mane (1a685), Illdi (198d1), Lisette (198a2), Vivienne Onis (198d3), Susanna the Wicked (1b11b). Lynly Star-Sung (19e03), Muiri (198f8), Fastred (19e06)

A couple of those NPCs listed there are actually married. That would prevent them from working. A least one of the above is already eligible, she just requires a specific outcome to a specific quest. Not sure why the others would not work.


You might want to test the following: See if the commands work via console when targeting the NPC.


If it does, it may be that the working NPCs have been loaded and the non-working NPCs have yet to be loaded. If you find out that the console commands work when the actor has been loaded, you can try using your batch file at a later time rather than immediately before chargen.


Just some out of the box thinking...

Edited by IsharaMeradin
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You might want to test the following: See if the commands work via console when targeting the NPC.


If it does, it may be that the working NPCs have been loaded and the non-working NPCs have yet to be loaded. If you find out that the console commands work when the actor has been loaded, you can try using your batch file at a later time rather than immediately before chargen.



Indeed, I thought of that a few hours ago and tested it. They could be married when they were loaded up, with the exception of Lynly (still could not get her to work). But not when they weren't loaded up. What bugs me the most is that Sylgja works PreCC (before visiting Shor's Stone or even the Rift) which means she wasn't loaded up. Unless Skyrim loads all of the world at once instead of chunks as you travel.... which seems, very demanding... I guess not everything can be perfect. Looks like I gotta lie in my Fanfiction, or stick to Sylgja xD. Thanks for the help again Ishara! You're amazing. A moderator can close this thread as I think there is no known solution due to not finding it anywhere in Google and in asking in multiple forums.

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I think you are on to something... Sylgja spawns in the Tamriel worldspace. The others are in city worldspaces or inside buildings. (Note: While I have always seen Annekke outside, I believe she spawns in the house at the mine)


The game may not load EVERYTHING in the given worldspace, but might allow access to any objects in that worldspace despite not having a visible 3D. It actually makes sense. Papyrus allows you to work with objects in different cells, even with objects in cells that the player can never access. Stands to reason that the console will have a greater work area too, but because of it's targeting nature is limited to the current worldspace for valid targets.

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Just a quick status update, while I have not found a solution. I have found that the above method that I mentioned works on Saadia regardless of location. I created a new game and typed d7505.addfac 19809 1, in which gave a successful parse line. Now I know for a fact Saadia indeed spawns in Bannered Mare (a cell) which is inside White Run (a cell) which is a part of Skyrim (a cell). So here are my thoughts.


Syglja works and if you look at my batch file:


player.setrelationshiprank c3a46 4
setrelationshiprank c3a46 4
c3a46.addfac 19809 1
c3a46.addfac 5C84D 1
c3a46.setlevel 81
c3a46.setav health 100000
c3a46.setav magicka 100000"

You can see that sygja.whateverfunction works and she spawns in Skyrim thereby supporting the theory that only Actors loaded up can be indirectly refered to by typing in their refID before the function similar to a "player.function" command. Well the theory is quickly shot down by further evidence of me testing that Saadia can indeed be indirectly referred to without being "spawned" or loaded up as she is supposed to spawn in a cell within a cell of Skyrim. **Keep this thought as I will refer back to it later.


Now let's make up a value "12345" is an actor value for say an actor named, Random.

Well 12345.addfac 19809 1 does not work, nor does 12345.addfac 19809 0.

So maybe addfac does not work but what of other commands?

12345.setav health 900 does not work either, why? Because you are still trying to indirectly refer to the actor whom was proven that you couldnt indirectly refer to.


**So if Saadia is within a cell that's within a cell of Skyrim and can be indirectly refered to, and Sylgja who is loaded up the Skyrim world space (not in a cell) can be indirectly refered to, then why can't every actor?


My theory is this, and I have not been able to test it out yet but will be able too very shortly, only Actors or NPCs who play a vital role in a quest can be indirectly accessed. For example, Saadia's quest, "In My Time of Need", heavily involves Saadia, so if you can't find her you must be able to indirectly use commands instead of "click" on her. And Syglja, whose is the quest giver, must also be allowed indirect reference just in case she couldn't be found anywhere. The reason why Lynly, who though takes part in a quest, could not be accessed is because Lynly takes a small role or is a minor character with neither being a love interest, a follower, or may or may not even actually be needed for the quest. (Have not actually done Lynly's quest so I would not know). Susanna's only in the game so that she can be killed for a quest (but the Dragonborn never kills her) and I've read that another actor will take place of Susanna if Susanna goes missing. So this means Susanna is a minor character in that quest whom would have no need to have indirect access to.


Further testing will be done by me and whoever else wants to do it. But as of right now, it seems as though only quest NPC's who play a vital role in a quest/ if quest is vital/ will give Marriage or Follower options can be indirectly referred too.


List of characters to test.

Faendal/ Sven (they should spawn outside of Skyrim)

Aela/ Farkas/ Ria (spawn outside)

Guard (non-vital NPC)

Jarl Bulgruff (vital but also essential and spawns inside of a cell within a cell)*** Maybe "essentials" have a thing.

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That could be a plausible theory. They would need those NPCs accessible via console for testing purposes in regards to the quests. Any other NPC could just be dealt with at it's specific location because they're just fluff and filler.


Doesn't help you accomplish what you want but is certainly a plausible theory.

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Yea, I realize it doesn't help me, but I'm the kind of guy that likes to know how everything works. What makes things tick, and why. So, even if it doesn't solve my problem, I sure love to have fun trying to figure out why it won't work. Because if I can figure out how things work, then I get closer to my solution... This is why everyone hated me in Math class... so many questions haha. I don't just do because someone says "Do it", I do it because I understand it or understand why I should do it.

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