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Can't sit and wait while taking radiation damage?


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I was told I couldn't sleep while taking radiation damage, and I wanted to wait for a shop to open. Why can't I sit and wait on a bench either? It doesn't say no, there's just no wait option.


It makes sense that sleeping would be difficult when uncomfortable, but surely not sitting?


If it's to stop you dying during the automated wait, well it doesn't stop you fast travelling through a radioactive area and dying.

Edited by hucker75
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It's hardcoded, you can't sit while taking radiation damage. Since you can't sit, you can't use terminals either. It's a design choice by the developers.


Sometimes radioactive Protectrons are placed close enough to their terminal that the radiation they emit makes it impossible to activate them.

Edited by LarannKiar
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  • 2 weeks later...

Seems like their interface doesn't block it. :smile:


Seriously though, since it's hardcoded, the only way to "fix" it is to make an F4SE plugin. When you take radiation damage, the interface intentionally blocks some activation functions. (Maybe editing the interface is also enough, I think..).

Edited by LarannKiar
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The game don't allow you to use a bed and sleep, because there is, close, a fight between enemies or at fight, also you involve. it doesn't matter if you far away from a fight. Try to use the ctrl button to see if you clear of the fight. if you see caution or danger, you can't sit or sleep, close to that fight. The best solution is to fast travel to a safe place, take a radaway and then sleep. Or if you travel to glowing sea, use a bat file, to activate it with console ~ to get the weather clear and don't get any radiation damage.

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