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Occasional black texture


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So...first question, are these black textures showing up on any texture mods you have installed? Second did you install any new lighting mods? We will also need to know what textures your referring to. Is it the textures on the tables? people? floor? The more examples you can provide the easier it will be to narrow down the list of suspects. Also, some mods have know texture problems, for example i use nuneme hair on my avi (light grey) but it turns black under certain lighting conditions, such as next to a fire place in a custom player house.

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No this is never people, it's always walls and floors. It's always the same walls and floors like the bee and barb upstairs. I'm using the HD2K mod plus a parallax mod.


someone said it might be due to too many lights in close proximity. Do you think that's it? Do you know a fix?



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I'm not sure the issue is too many lights, 2K textures or parallax doesn't add any new lights. There have been reports of texture bugs caused by 2K textures and nebula (the mod author) works very hard to fix them all. If i'm not mistaken there's a new version of the mod 1.6 that fixes some texture problems in riften specifically. I would try the latest version of the mod first but if you already have it then it would be a good idea to contact the mod author via-message and report you may have found an unreported bug. I don't think parallax would have anything to do with these lighting bugs, it's one of those mods that's very specific to whatever your applying it to. Hopefully you just need the new version of the mod and nothing else but if it doesn't work drop another line and we can try to nail this down from there.

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