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Attaching a living actor to the player question


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Let's say I wanted to force a living being to be attached to the player, ie I strapped them to my power armor and now I'm walking away, how would you personally go about doing that?
Right now I'm using nodes and really fast spline translation to have the appearance of being attached, but maybe someone has a better way?

EDIT: I'm asking because it's slow and kinda looks bad, just syk

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The vertibird is an actor, so it is possible to attach an actor to another actor, but you would need to edit the skeleton in order to add attach points like the ones in the vertibird skeleton, which are later used to attach actors to it. Then you need to add the furniture/vertibird keyword(s), so the actor (the riding one) can use the furniture animations defined in the mount actor's race subgraph data.


Then you need to use SnapInToIteraction to mount the actor on the player with a sit package (without a sitting package it would walk away inmediatelly), and Dismount and another package.

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Fantastic, so: I edit the power armor skeleton nif to add a connect point/s, I add the furniture behavior to the race I want to effect, add a sit package via reference alias, and then I use some scripting on that same alias to force it to "sit"?


I haven't really made a package like this before, is there anything about it I need to know?

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Yeah, I'm having trouble with this. I can't seem to get one of my bubble turrets to attach to the power armor, which is the intention here. I almost thought this would be easier since they basically only rotate lol



Should I upload my files? maybe I messed up editing the skeleton? hell, does the player even use the power armor skeleton in the power armor character assets?

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No idea tbh, never tried to attach an actor that wasn't a human a dog or a super mutant. All I've done are horse-like driveables, using furniture animations that already exist, but I don't know if there's any suitable animation for "sitting" a turret.

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Darn, I really wanted to make mounted power armor turrets lol


I'll keep working on it, maybe there's something I'm missing

EDIT: If anyone has any ideas I'm open to hearing them. ie if you know a way to attach furniture TO THE PLAYER I could even use that, because I can definitely get the turret to "sit"

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  • 2 weeks later...

I believe I've actually gotten my turret to attach to the player, but it isn't visible, even though I can see the prompt to interact with it. Any thoughts?

EDIT: I can indeed attach the turret, it was a mesh loading issue I just had to delay the attach. So anyways, now it looks around as normal, detects enemies, and opens up to fire. Then it immediately freezes and will do nothing else. After that, attaching any turrets(even after delay) makes them disappear. Still looking for solutions

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