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self sufficient settlement


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sorry for my bad English,
note1: i know a mod called Sim Settlements 1 & 2, but those is not what i looking for,

you know, practically, the player is the leader(General of minuteman) of all of settlement(who join minuteman) in the commonwealth,
but what the General actually doing? s/he is a slave of the settlers;
-general, we need more food, please plant another crop,
-general, we need more bed, please build another bed,
-general, we need more water, please built another pump,
-general, we need more defense, please built another turret,

if there only 1 settlement, I can handle it, but there 30 settlement in base game + 1 automation DLC + 4 Far Harbor DLC + 1 vault tec DCL + 1 Nuka World DLC,
Total of 37 that that general must plant, built, assign, so why not the settler doing by itself?

so my request is quite simple, create new job called "Vice-Local Leader", the Station is a pulpit, to create it require local leader perk,
after you assign someone on it, every hour, a script to aim

-"settlement happiness" of 70%


-"attack change" of below than 2%

will start:

Note2: the settlement haplessness is based of this link :



Note3: the aim only 70% of happiness, because Trader, indoor beds and pets code may be too complex

Note4: i do some programing stuff, but my creation kit is error and i give up fixing it, combine with my monitor is only 1366 * 768, so I just give up to create it by my own, and this code just concept, and may error if complied it using the compiler

if Settler_Number > Food_production;
    if current_settlement_workshopRef.GetItemCount f >= 96;
       /the 96 caps is : mutfruit price (8) x number of crops that a farmer (6) x double buy price (2)
        "Vice-Local Leader"Ref.placeatme mutfruit_tree 6;/i not reserach how to put new "building" like mudfruit tree, i assume it the placeatme
        current_settlement_workshopRef.removeItem f 96;
        /do asign a settler to be a farmer script/

for water and beds code can follow above formula,

but for defense, because defense has special stat called "Attack chance" of minimum 2%,

so the formula is different too
Note4: attack change formula link : https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Fallout_4_settlements

int Base = 2 + ( (Food_production + Water_production) / 2 );
int Reduction = (Settler_Number / 2) + Defense_rating
if Base - Reduction > 2;
    if current_settlement_workshopRef.GetItemCount f >= 54;/the 54 is Double price of raw material of Machinegun turret x 2
        "Vice-Local Leader"Ref.placeatme Machinegun_turret;
        current_settlement_workshopRef.removeItem f 54;

i don't know if this possible, but if it can i will appreciate it


Edited by kucingkucing
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