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Hilarious Things in MW

Jenlyn Fayre

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Let's share a laugh!


What are some of the funniest things that you've seen in the game or have done yourself in MW? Have you fooled any characters? Played any pranks on anyone? Found any funny glitches? Heard some good spoken lines?



* I think the whole storyline in MW with the half naked guys being frozen in the road by the witch is hilarious!


* I shared on another thread that it's pretty funny how you can jump from a canton in Vivec and survive!

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Orcs on drugs.



Getting drunk enough to kill a (real) person and running around beating the crap out of people, for the very reason that your strength is 400000 and your intelligence is 0.


Ramming a sword up the rear end of the mating guars. (i think i stole someone elses bit here... he hasnt posted here yet though! and hopefully wont) Better yet, a dagger... or is it funnier with a spear?


Standing there (high up in the air!) and watching the mating guar for 24 hours... (real and game!) and yet nothing happens... awww....


The lusty argonian maid.


Getting loaded on moon sugar, then smoking some skooma. (shouldnt this kill you after about 45 bottles?)

(OT: Is moon sugar supposed to be snorted or eaten? Is skooma supposed to be smoked or drunk? some unintentional disturbing thoughts...)


Getting a merchant to wield a scripted to kill item. (keening, sunder)


uisng the console to add a horde of unsuspecting cliffracers into a crowded town/interior cell. (say about 50? Then go invisible, and watch the fireworks...)

Also fun are SUMMONED kwama queens... (granted, you have to create a spell in the editor, but still... 1 kwama queen, 3 warriors, and 2 foragers is REAL fun...)

Shalks (~75) are fun too, and so are 700 NPC clones...)


Edit: Does anyone else now consider me to be something of an (extremely!!) disturbed nutcase? I know I do!!!!(If something here is too offensive, i will gladly remove it!)

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Has everyone seen that spot in the grazelands where giants spawn? You can use the console and COE 8,14 then look ahead and to the right. The spawn point is in the depression on the hillside. If you want to go there the long way it's west of Tel Vos. Keep going west past the Tel Vos Dungeon and to the Nerano Tomb (Calvario's place). It's across the path from the tomb and up the hill a little.

You can see a nix hound the size of a moose, a kagouti the size of a pickup, or a ten foot tall golden saint. Creatures are random. Luckily the giants don't hit any harder than their smaller friends!

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Flightless bird, i assume you know who i was talking about with the sword up the guar? you were in that topic... (the drug comment is crazy too... i still dont know how youre SUPPOSED to take them...)


Get a mod that adds kids. Use the console to give a kid 250 stats for everything. Give them 'the ultimate weapon'. Set their level to 1000.

Get A** beat by child under 2 feet, holding gigantic 20foot long sword.

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Orcs on drugs.



Getting drunk enough to kill a (real) person and running around beating the crap out of people, for the very reason that your strength is 400000 and your intelligence is 0.


Ramming a sword up the rear end of the mating guars. (i think i stole someone elses bit here... he hasnt posted here yet though! and hopefully wont) Better yet, a dagger... or is it funnier with a spear?


Standing there (high up in the air!) and watching the mating guar for 24 hours... (real and game!) and yet nothing happens... awww....


The lusty argonian maid.


Getting loaded on moon sugar, then smoking some skooma. (shouldnt this kill you after about 45 bottles?)

(OT: Is moon sugar supposed to be snorted or eaten? Is skooma supposed to be smoked or drunk? some unintentional disturbing thoughts...)


Getting a merchant to wield a scripted to kill item. (keening, sunder)


uisng the console to add a horde of unsuspecting cliffracers into a crowded town/interior cell. (say about 50? Then go invisible, and watch the fireworks...)

Also fun are SUMMONED kwama queens... (granted, you have to create a spell in the editor, but still... 1 kwama queen, 3 warriors, and 2 foragers is REAL fun...)

Shalks (~75) are fun too, and so are 700 NPC clones...)


Edit: Does anyone else now consider me to be something of an (extremely!!) disturbed nutcase? I know I do!!!!(If something here is too offensive, i will gladly remove it!)

Moon sugar is obviously MW's reference to cocaine, so you'd probably snort it or inject it. So, anyone with a "sweet tooth" in the game is a cocaine addict.


Also, I love all of your ideas, but I don't have a PC. What are some hilarious things to do on MW for XBox?

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hmmmm... i kinda figured that with the moon sugar, but it seems that there would be some alchemy device for 'snorting' in the game... which brings me to the second point. Is skooma smoked? they have skooma pipes, and furthermore, skooma is a liquid... how do you smoke a liquid? Doesnt make much sense. (PLEASE, i wont say anything more after this, but i ask because it didnt make much sense... i dont want a lecture on how you (noone in particular, certainly not in this forum) prefer your drugs, or where to find drugs (non-morrowind). Let's avoid that. This is already kinda thread hijacking...


As for what you can do on X-Box? Gimme a couple minutes... i'll come up with something... the drunken comment STILL comes to mind (it's pretty fun... you can carry some 20000 units of weight... and you're supposed to be IMPAIRED?)


and you can still kill merchants without penalty by selling them a script-to-kill item. (Keening and sunder are main quest items, from near the end of the game. Not everyone knows!) or you can enchant a helmet (or any other armor) with constant effect damage health. (Drake of Valendel and Tyjet know more about this...)


real fun? arrows with calm humanoid. You shoot something, and they wont notice, giving you a perfect getaway! (paralyze is fun too... not much, just 2 secs, giving the calm spell time to kick in) of course, enchanting arrows is a pain. one at a time.. ouch!


making a collection of souls. EVERY unique dagoth creature in the game (my best estimate? about 400. And every one takes AT LEAST a greater soul gem... (the unique ones at least) and some take a grand (the ones that look like ascended sleepers). Just something interesting! (and then you can show it off to your friends!!!!!)


Jumping UP the cantons in vivec (need a spell... about 10-15 points should do it.)


If you want a challenge, try killing the guy inside the southernmost canton in vivec. (save first, and dont save afterwards!!!!!!!!) BIG challenge... dont get hit by the touch spell! (50 damage, all 3 elements, plus damage health, for 3 seconds. ouch!) the target spell is weaker though. (and it's REAL fun... and you can even soultrap it! need the best soulgem though.)

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Yeah I know Crim, But I wanted the excuse to call you a nutjob! I saw the opportunity and went for it. :P


Oh and I think you also just refered to The GOD Vivec as ''that guy'' in the southernmost canton of...Vivec... did you know that and didnt want to call him by his name or something?

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