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Fose messed up?


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I was use Fose for antistar's mod "Weapon mod kits." but I noticed it messed up the game. I only found 3 problems not sure if there are more, the first is the weapon fire in VATS, when I fire 3 time in bullet speed time, and fire 2 bullet normal but on 3 or last fire, fire too fast before hit cam back to me. second is misplace. for example, I was in arefu for lucy's quest and go in the west's house and when finish I enter outside and Mole rat spawned in front of the house! It wasn't supposed to be there and before I went into west house there were no enemies around the area! last is something that already happened. for example, i was searching around map for river city and etc.... i was heading for arefu for a quest and it was not explored yet and i found Lucky Harith, his pack brahmin and caravan guard but they were dead! Before intalling fose, that never happen before.

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