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The Black Clergy: An epic RP Battle of good, evil and the dark arts


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Please feel free to "drop-in" but make a believable entrance and please post a character template including your:





ALIGNMENT-(good, evil, or neutral at the start)

FACTION(S)-(Black Clergy, Fencer's Creed etc. [your own factions are ok, like Ixion's Guild of Mute Assassins] not really important unless you're in the Black Clergy to start out with)



All GM messages will be printed in white like this


The rules are as follows-


1)Please keep vulgarity to a minimum thanks


2)the usual no GODing (Llervu is kind of like that but the plot is set up so that he is eliminated in a believable way that he can't fight back in a nearly 400 year old lich is kind of overly powerful for any major battle between players)


3)NO FLAMING!!!! Or suffer the consequences!


4)the last and absolutely most important rule of all-DRUM ROLL PLEASE!!!......................



Settings-Knosos is the Isle that the Black Clergy is based on, it is in a realm known as armageddon, an island chain that it's members (the islands) drift in and out of all the other realms based upon the whims of their masters and the tides of the waters (masters usually don't give a hoot what their island does).On this Isle are several ruined dwemer structures, a massive tower, many dwemer tombs and a large dunmer fortress all dedicated to the dark arts, there are also several shipyards and many, many checkpoints to get to more secure sites. The landscape is a coniferous (ferns and members of the pine tree family) and the temperature typically hovers between 50 and 75 degrees farenheit

Isla Kronus is the isle of time and where the heroes will be based at, here there is a large imperial town, a bazaar that is made primarily of dwemer statues and buildings and a massive castle of stone. Here buildings do not decay and people only age 1 year for every 50 in other realms (there is a mist that stops time except for on the 1st day of the 50th year then a year passes in a single day). The climate is temperate and has seasons (however they are 12 and a half years long each.) There are very few trees on the island and surprisingly little has grown in the wild areas but the town and castle have lush gardens and domestic plants.


Baltis Llervu sat in his tower study at a massive mahogany desk, pouring over research notes from his various servants and his own, reports from the varying sectors and progress on project SAINT when his secretary, Imarume, entered and delivered a sealed scroll of parchment. Upon reading it Baltis told his secretary what orders to initiate.


"Send an emmisary to this Guild of Mute Assassins, I want that demonologist working for us, even if it's only temporary. Hmmm, send Vistha the Argonian, he's best with foreign demensions. Tell Vistha that he is to bring that Demenologist here with him, regardless of price or requisite. Bring him dead and summoned through necromancy if need be!" With that the secretary nodded her head and left to give the orders to Vistha.


Llervu brooded over the Demonologist and his unique skills. Perhaps with his knowledge project SAINT will atlast be in full swing. Baltis thought to himself...

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Mal'saras was sitting in the guild, in the middle of a ritual. He was trying to see if he could finally create his own dimensional pocket. He had the sigils drawn in a circle around him, in hog's blood, and was channeling nether orbs through the Chaos Ring.

He had managed to make a portal of fire, and when he reached in, he grabbed a beating heart with crystals poking out of it. As soon as he grabbed it, the portal closed, leaving burn marks, and the circle around him dissipated.

"Hmm, so this must be the Dimensional Alembic that I've heard so much about. I guess this is what those Camoran fools used to shape theirs.." He said.

Mal'saras had heard news of several cults, mages, and gods making their own dimensional sanctuaries, but he had never known what they used to make it.

Just then, Halcyon, guildmaster of the Guild of Mute Assassins appeared behind him.


"Gah! You shouldn't do that sir, you know how much that startles me." Mal'saras said. His master simply nodded his head. He gave Mal'saras a note, and he read it to himself.

"Hmm.. From the Black Clergy you say? A kind of ambassador? Well then, I'll just have to meet this character, and see what this is about." Mal'saras said, but when he looked back to his master, he was gone.


"Damn it, I wish that for once he would take those god-forsaken stitches out of his mouth every once in a while.." He muttered, and headed out of the guild.

It was dark inside the city, but that's to be expected inside of the stomach of a giant manta ray.. Luckily Mal'saras was used to the darkness, and could see perfectly. The note said for him to meet the emmisary outside the Chapel of the Eye.. The chapel was quite possibly the strangest building of all in the city. It was essentially a regular church, but instead of pearly stone walls, and beautiful stained glass windows, it had fleshy tissue for walls, and bloodshot, twitchy eyes for windows.


Mal'saras stood outside the chapel, and looked around. He saw the emissary, who stuck out like a sore thumb in the outlandish crowds. He was essentially a bipedal lizard, and his *normalness* made everybody gawk at him like a freak. Mal'saras went over to him.

"Greetings, I hear you have a requirement of me, no?" He said to the emmisary..

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Vistha: "Yes, indeed. My Lord, Baltis Llervu requires your exper-"Vistha's eyes flashed white, the pupils, irises and blood within them disappearing, then they returned to normal."In exchange, Lord Llervu can teach you to create far more extensive Sanctuaries than that of the pitiful tools of the Camorans. What say you? Give yes or nay, Lord Llervu wishes your prescence, then he will tell you of the task he has set for you."


Llervu sat in the tower of Hekvirosgen, the ancient Dwemer Tower and it's island fortress had long since been sent to Armageddon and moved about by the will of it's master. Hmmmmm, he is intrigued, excellent. His desire for a sanctuary of his own is great, and will undoubtedly lead him into my service.


Meanwhile in Vivec, the moon above the High Fane began to quiver, the constructs 'round it beginning to fall onto the building, 3 ordinators fell to their deaths, 5 citizens were killed by the debris and a priest died of exhaustion attempting to keep the moon in place. Slowly it began to fall, until it crashed into High Fane, nigh all of the halls of wisdom and justice were destroyed, only a small section left unscathed.

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"Hmm, and I hear that your facillity studies the Dark Arts, and the magic of Necromancy. I would wish to further my powers by studying there, and the offer of such dimension-changing tools is extremely tempting.." Mal'Saras said, "I accept your offer, now, what is it you require?"
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Vistha clapped his hands. "EXCELLENT! Now you shall meet your employer!" With that Vistha spread his arms wide and performed a semi-circulor motion over his head, a swiriling purple mist enveloped them and then Vistha disappeared to his lab and Mal'Saras was transported in front of Llervu's desk in a chair.


"Ah, atlast we meet, I have learned of your talents. My proposition is two fold. First I would ask that while under my employ you study, or divulge if you already know them, the secrets of the demonic barriers and bypasses between this realm, and that of Nirn. Part two is this, I am planning an invasion of Vvardenfell, an island off the coast of the continent of Tamriel, within Nirn, I would like you to take part. while here you gain full access to the Clergy's resources within this tower, If you want use of other information and research tools for your personal use you would have to join us, which is atleast part of the reason I contacted you. Your rewards will also be twofold. If you complete objective 1, you shall recieve the secrets to create a dimensional sanctuary as promised. If you also complete objective 2, then I would further reward you by supplying you with any second demand, save for the use of the Clergy's tools and resources outside this tower, but I would grant even that if you join us." Llervu said while smiling all the while.


As High Fane was destroyed the city of Vivec went into chaos, Ordinators began slaughtering civilians in the streets as many of them ransacked the ruins.


ooc>all this going on in vivec has a point which will be revealed at the opportune time.

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'Ahh, yes.." Mal'Saras said, savoring the rewards at the end of this bloodthirsty rainbow, "I will join you, as I have longed to travel to the realm of Nirn, the dimension wrought with strife, and home to the daedric lords.. I would love to join your.. 'operation' here. Although, I must regret to say, that I do not know a way to bypass the dimensional barrier to get to the realm of which you speak. I recieve news, but no way to enter.

But I am certain that with the resources provided here, I will be able to think of a way around it. The laws of magic are different for every realm.."

He chanted an incantation, and a small imp appeared from a brust of flame.

"I'll also partake in the invasion, but I do hope it will go better than the Oblivion Crisis in Cyrodiil."

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"WONDERFUL!!!"Said Llervu (sounding almost exactly like sheogorath's) "I shall make the proper comunicas and you shall recieve the proper clearance papers to access every lab at the Clergy's disposal, normally a new member is a lackey, but considering your upcoming role, I place you as my right-hand, the last one was a little....TOO ambitious, you may find him in the main lobby." Here Baltis laughed maniacly."Armageddon is an interesting realm, the isles all can enter and leave any dimension from it based on the whim of their rulers, here I am the ruler, what I require from you is a way to unleash the horde of creatures that are stuck between this realm and Nirn, which includes the Daedra and many bizarre and disturbing beasts. You see, the dimensional barrier is no problem for us, but for the demons that are caught in limbo^2, it is. These dimensional barriers that trap the demons have been doubed demonic barriers. You have an extensive knowledge of demons, so I believe that with our latest project we can find some way to link the demons to here or to Tamriel. Oh and rest assured the Oblivion Crisis was run by a baffoon of a Daedra Lord if ever there was one, I am no fool, and I can tell that you are not either. The issue with the Cyrodiilic Oblivion Crisis was that it took to long, there were not enough people. The invasion must begin and end within one moon cycle, else the legion will have trooped up to stop us. We have over 400 necromancers, lycanthropes, vampires, summoners, and conjurors throughout the planned invasion area. This way we can summon portals at each of their locations sending over 50,000 men and women into battle and countless servants, the epic: "Legions of the Dead" will seem like child's play to this. However, we must be prepared to face Zephyr, the Armageddon god of time and the sword. He will do everything in his power to stop us from ever opening a gate."Llervu concluded.


"Before you go here is a map of the Isle-"Baltis hands Mal'Saras a large piece of parchment showing the massive Isle, about 1/4 the size of Vvardenfell. The large dwemer tower they now sat in, was obviously only a small piece of the huge complex, walls had been erected, harbors and shipyards constructed and the ancient dwemer and dunmer ruins used for Propylon, Engineering, and various studies as well as for human, daedra, animal, and creature testing facilities. There was even a submarine depicted built out of both dwemer and armageddon materials. a massive 5 mast ship-of-the-line named The Worm King was shown a league to the northeast. A large warship yard was full of frigates in the northwest corner of the island. Several tombs were marked on the map as well.

"You may be suprised when you see all that we have done, I assure you, we are no small instalation." Smiled Llervu.

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"Very well then! I shall begin plotting a way to disable those barriers. Also, you may wish to consider venturing to the realm of Aeros, and seek the Valkar, they are extremely skilled necromancers, and are in quite numerous groups." Mal'saras said, "I shall take my leave, with a few tomes as well, if you don't mind.."

Mal'saras snapped his fingers, and the imp returned with several large books, and was struggling to stay afloat.

He and the imp left the room to explore the realm. He decided to go outside, into a large courtyard.

Mal'Saras proceeded to conjure up a table and a chair, which seemed to emerge from shadow. He then sat down, and opened one of the books, written in Alagoi scripts, called "History of the Netherlight"

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BAH! Valkar, those wretches couldn't sustain a fly for more than a few hours. All that raw magicka but no skill with which to use it, all they do is summon things temporarily, never trying to sustain them in perpetuaty. Ah, but perhaps I can use their power myself, the r&d department has come up with a marvelous new machine that can absorb and store magicka via bracers etc. perhaps I could bind several of the Valkar with these on their wrists and ankles then their massive magicka recharge rates would be put to powering project SAINT. Baltis brooded He has great potential in the Clergy, his skills may open a whole new division of research. However, I will have to find a way to kill him should he prove a problem.


Baltis whisked his hand in the air and a white aura followed it during the spell. On the table Mal'Saras was seated at appeared a stack of tomes and a pile of scrolls detailing the dimensional rifts, changes and etc. that the currents of Armageddon opened and closed when the masters of the isles did not will them to move (the masters are typically content to let the isles drift) as well as similar happenings in Tamriel particularly near the cities of Ebonheart and Vivec on Vvardenfell, and Baltis's own personal research journals and notes on the arts of Necromancy, the top most piece of parchment read thus:


"Perhaps these will aid in your research, and my Necromancy journals may aid you in your personal quest for knowledge."

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The books and other guides appeared above his own, but Mal'saras didn't notice. He had read that Netherlight orbs, the holy relics of the Alagoi, could project high magical energy from them. They also produced a light that was as black as night, and animated shadow.

Hmm, an interesting prospect.. maybe, I can construct something to channel those energies.. He thought.

Then, he pointed at the ground, drawing a large circle along it. When he completed it, the chunk of earth inside the circle floated upwards into the skies, propelled by fire. It left behind a large pit, where several disgusting demonic fiends crawled out of. When they were all out, he inserted the chunk of land back to it's original position.

"Alright you all," Looking over his newly summoned horde, "You will go to the realm of Aeros, raid an alagoi settlement, and procure for me, a Netherlight orb. Should you fail to return it to me, the consequences will be dire."


Then, the entire group of demons were engulfed in a blue flame, and Mal'saras returned to his tome.

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