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The Black Clergy: An epic RP Battle of good, evil and the dark arts


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ooc> Room for another one? Thought I'd have my first foray into RPing here, as the story sounds promising!


NAME: Fargus Trondheim

RACE: Breton

CLASS: Spellsword

PROFESSION: Archaeologist (Glorified looter)



BACKSTORY: Born and raised in Jehanna, northern High Rock, his parents tried to teach him the ways of the mage, but he very swiftly grew tired of being stuck in class learning yet another tiny spell. He left his home at the young of 15 to explore the world, and try and make a name for himself as a great explorer, but at such a naive age, he got beaten down by the beasts in the first ruin he explored. Luckily for him, if it wasn't for the spells he'd been forced to learn, he wouldn't have made it out alive. Since then he's stayed on the road but is allot more cautious and has taught himself a number of spells to keep himself hidden.

Last seen exploring tombs and ruins along the Cyrodill/Morrowind border, he's got a feeling things are starting to change.

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In the strange dimension, apparently four days had passed. Mal'saras was surrounded by open books and outlandish apparatus. He had just completed a large circle, filled with sigils, runes, and symbols.


His demonic minions reappeared in the blue burst of flame, and they even had a prisoner! He was a frail old Alagoi priest, apparently knocked unconscious. One minion had a large orb in it's hands. The orb was spiraled like a snail shell, and gave off shadows around it.


"Ah yes, and just in time.." Mal'saras said, taking the orb, "Hopefully this will work."

He placed the orb in the center of the circle, and chanted an incantation. He slit his palm with an athame, and let the blood drip on the orb.

The symbols swirled and shifted, bones rose from the edge of the circle and bent inwards. The orb levitated, and a large piece of obsidian rose from the ground. The orb vanished into the large rock, and the bony fingers began chiseling it into an obelisk.

Green spirits swirled around the obelisk, infusing it with green shapes and diagrams.


After Mal'saras stopped chanting, the bony protrusions sank beneath the earth, and the circle vanished. All that was standing was a tall, black obelisk, with green lines snaking over it. It emenated an eerie green glow.

He dismissed his demonic horde, and made a purple dome wrap over him and the obelisk.

"Now, let's see if it is strong enough.." Mal'saras said, placing a red hand on the black stone. The top of it shattered, releasing the orb from inside. The orb vibrated and shook, it sent shadows at the dome, making it explode violently.

Mal'saras was knocked back.


"Argh!" He exclaimed, dusting himself off, "This will work just fine!"


He clapped his hands, making the obelisk sink into the ground.

"Time to present this to Llervu.." Mal'saras whispered, and strolled off to the tower.

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ooc(sort of)>Welcome aboard Comic!, considering you put your faction as none I'll asume you're neutral at the beginning. That may change soon though hehehe.


As Baltis sat in the tower, this time researching new techniques for the sturdiness and power of his undead minions, his secretary entered with another note, this one was urgent, for the seal gave off a deep red light. He read it.


"Hmmm, an archeologist eh? Exploring ruins near the Cyrodiil, Morrowind border? Send Tilas to either persuade him to meet me or bring him prisoner tell her that failure is not an option, and if she does I shall send her back to Oblivion and Dagon's service myself!" Baltis barked at his secretary.


Not ten minutes after Llervu resumed his studies using ebony and dwemer bindings on corpses for resurrection did the door open and Mal'Saras enter the chamber.


"Ah, what news do you bring?"

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Mal'saras entered the room, with a small scroll.

"I have completed something you might wish to see.. It is an obelisk, made with a Netherlight Orb, that has successfully disarmed one of the strongest barrier spells that I know. I have made copies of the scroll that conjures it, and added the schematics for it's construction. Feel free to continue further tests upon it. It was able to break my barriers, but i'm not sure if it will break a temporal barrier.."

He handed Llervu the scroll, and had his poor imp return all the books to their proper places.


The recipe said that the Obelisk consisted of;


-1 ten-thousand lb piece of obsidian

-1 Alagoi Netherlight Orb

-a few pounds of corpse dust, for the bone inscribers.

-a small ounce of blood, (to attract spirits to feed the Orb)

and finally

-an Earthshaper circle, (diagram below)

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"hmmmm, this is intriguing, I shall send this to the spellcraft labs, we have a chamber that is walled with demonic barriers, or atleast barriers with the equivilant strength of them. It is most fortuidous that all the Armageddon Isles are volcanic, so there is no shortage of obsidion, in fact I do believe that the 'alchemical and mineral studies' sector has several pieces of obsidion that will suit this project. As for the orbs, that will not take long, I shall send a small raid force, when I say small I mean 300 of my undead headed by a lesser lich, to acquire enough orbs, and I believe if given the time we can create them here. The blood is no object, we have plenty willing and able that would give a harmless amount of blood, perhaps we can find what type of blood would be best? Altmer afflicted with Aundae-strain vampirism would be best I think, with such enhanced magical properties. The corpse dust well ehahahahahaha, we are of course on an island dedicated to the dark arts, where would our necromancy department be without corpses? I appreciate your research efforts, now all that is left is for testing, and if it works I shall give you the tools necessary to create your own sanctuary....OR I could offer a few other things........."Llervu tempted.


ooc>don't pervert that last bit for the sake of all that is decent.

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"Well there are two options before you, I can teach you all that I know of Necromancy that you will be able to comprehend, a few lessons you won't, not without my experience. The other option, is that I teach you how to create an Armageddon Isle! The latter is perhaps the greatest of all sanctuaries, I have built an Island, Wurnikan, few here know about it because I constantly shift it and those that HAVE seen it don't recognize it as I constantly change it. Of course, if you perform your other task you may have another gift of my good will, the selection, I assure you will have far more redeeming gifts than even the secrets of creating an Isle or learning Necromancy." Baltis proposed.


In the ancient ruins of Kemel-Ze Tilas the Dremora Valkynaz picked up the trail of the archeologist searching for him....


In Vivec peace seemed to be restoring, however one of the great lord Vivec's attendants entered the palace to find him unusually pale and weak "I have not long, seek the Lord of ti-" and Vivec lost his concience.

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"As I have stated before, I am in your service for the long run, so I shall continue with my tasks.. But as for my reward selection, I would like to train in Necromancy..." Mal'saras said, with a slight gleam in his eye.

This invasion will assure me a point of power.. He thought, And I believe that it will be far better than sitting around in a musty guild hall, waiting to kill the old beggar down the street..

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"Ah, I suspected as much, we shall begin your lessons on the morrow, if you feel like doing some research prior, please, help yourself to Preparation of the Corpse, you will find I have all three volumes here and my own personal notes, also, take N'Gasta!Kvata!Kvakis!, a sload tome, but there is a copy of it translated and a sload to cyrodiilic alphabet and dictionary. Your first lesson shall be upon the former of my suggested literature, the preperation of the corpse, and possibly a bit on resurrection methods." Replied Baltis.
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Name: Forend

Race: Redgaurd

Weapons: none

Class: Warrior

Factions: Ex Supreme commander of project A.C.E.

Background: Was once the supreme commander of Project A.C.E (Atomic Creation Engine). A.C.E could create a living, breathing organism from recycled atoms, the project was Immoral as the beings created were basically slaves and could be built to have the physical build of whatever their creator imagined. Forend built his army in the shape of humanoids, but with the heads of cats. They had night-vision, long deadly claws and sharp teeth. One breed was built for stealth, one for strength and one for speed.


But before Forend could muster his army to take over the world, mutiny occurred and he was run from his secret lair. Now incredibly spiteful of their old master, they plan on finding and killing him. Then, once he is dead they plan on taking over the world.


So on the run from an army of his own creation Forend needs somewhere to hide, desperately.


OT: Am I allowed to create a second evil organization?

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