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The Black Clergy: An epic RP Battle of good, evil and the dark arts


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After hours exploring the fairly empty ruins of Kemel-ze, Dammit, no loot, Fargus stumbled upon something he wasn't expecting, A Dremora! What's that doing here?, slowly, unsheathing his Damned Blade, he began to creep up on the Valkynaz.

With an unexpected speed, the Valkynaz spun round and parried the blade, forcing the blade to be forced from his hand.

"Puny mortal! You dare to strike me when I bring you such an honour from my lord?" Tilas proclaimed.

"Wh-wh-why should i trust you?" Fargus stuttered, the fury of the attack scaring him witless, "A-a-a-all you kind brings is destruction?"

With that the dremora landed a blow so hard across his face that he fell unconscious, even with the shield spells he had protecting him.

Tilas proceeded to gather up Fargus' equipment, and opened a portal back to her master.....


OT> Hey xan, sounds like your in trouble! Just letting you guys know, I'm form England so may be on entirely different times to you, but I'll try my best to keep up!

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oot>@xan, sure you can start another evil organization, especially since there aren't any heroes yet (cosmic may be the first, whatever he chooses). And although we may be on timezones I'm sure during the week it won't make that much of a difference, since we'll all only probably get in a message a day.


Fargus awoke in a strange dwemer tower, and not where he wanted to be IN the tower, within a cell and outside the door were two tall men in black robes, he could not see their faces. "He awakessssss, sssshould we tell the massssster?" said one. "Ah would nae botha, knowin' him he is already on 'is way down hea."


"Indeed, you are perceptable Hrogard Blacksword. I appreciate your obedience, Micsaci, I shall send a gift to the Tsacsi empire on Akavir as a reward for them sending such a competent man to me. Hrogard, for your excellent work these past few days, I know that administering nutrients etc. to prisoners unconcious is not something you enjoy, you may have 1 night in the beer cellars, and then the next night, with the angel of your choosing."


"Thank ye lord!" replied both the Tsacsi and the Nord.


"Now then, as for you, my little archeologist, what do you think of my tower? The largest tower of dwemer construct in existance, over 2000 meters high, making it also the tallest structure in existance. On this isle are many dwemer ruins, take that shine out of your eye, ye'll not get a single goblet, all the artifacts are stored either in a massive vault or in the labs testing them."Said Baltis as he unlocked the door and placing a paralysis spell upon Fargus so that he could only speak, nothing more, "I have need of you, and your supposed archeological skills. I want you to retrieve for me, a propylon cosmic index, not a master, but a cosmic, that would allow my people to travel freely between this realm and all the others, which there are several indexes that we have constructed throughout the realms. What say you?"


ooc>don't ask what we're about yet, or you'll never get out of the cell. (if you decide to join us you'll get the cosmic index, if not when I send you off on your way you'll go to isla Kronus and aid Zephyr the Armageddon god of speed and the sword.)

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Fargus was stunned, and not just because of the paralysis placed on him. All that effort to capture me, and this is what I'm offered. This could make me rich! Famous! But on the other hand, what am I going to face trying to get this "cosmic index," I don't even know what one is, let alone where to find one.

"S-s-sir, I have no idea of what you ask, s-s-so no, I-I don't think I shall, so please, just let me go!" he yelped pleadingly.

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"Don't play fool with me, you know what a propylon index is! I require a cosmic one, which-"Llervu paused and his eyes flashed pure white as he probed Fargus's mind, "You have seen one! You shall find it once more and fetch it for me! Or you shall join my legions!" At this particular moment Baltis raised his right palm and a swirling purple mist enveloped him and when it disapated he stood, a slightly faded and rusted golden crown upon a skeletal head with long grey hair, bits of rotted flesh clung to parts of his body and his bangles and bracelets took on an ancient, worn look. "LOOK AT MY FACE, THIS IS THE FACE OF DEATH! YOU SHALL DO WHAT I ASK OR YOU SHALL PERISH!" Llervu release Fargus from his paralysis, locked the door and hissed, "If he becomes sensible send him to Caldera to find it. Otherwise, kill him and bring his corpse to me."


Y-yesssss, L-l-lord L-l-l-lervu. W-w-w-we S-s-s-ssssshall d-do a-a-asss y-y-you c-c-c-c-command!" Said the terrified Tsacsi, he had never seen his Lord show his true form before.


"I give you until tomorrow to answer me BRETON, or you shall find it in the afterlife."

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Mal'saras had taken the tomes, and had the Alagoi Priest cut apart. His skinless skeleton on the conjured table, with a hexagram around the around.

"Hmm, and it says, 'Channel the spirit back into the body, after you have the seal upon it'." Mal'saras said, and he placed his hand upon the skull of the skeleton, making a small symbol of a wing with a scythe inside.

"That ought to work.." He said. Mal'saras was about to re-attatch the spirit, when he heard yelling from inside the tower.

"Huh, I guess someone got Llervu angry. They really shouldn't do that, especially since he's a lich."

Mal'saras raised his arms, green mist swirling around him. It went to the skeleton, and into the diaphragm. The skeleton sat up, and stared at Mal'saras with it's empty sockets.

What am I doing here?!? It said to Mal'saras, telepathically.. I thought I was dead. When the skeleton saw Mal'saras, it began to shake rapidly in panic, making rattling noises.

No! Not you! I can't be here! Not near you!

"SILENCE WRETCH!" Mal'saras shouted, his echo emenating around the city.

"You serve me now, and you shall become my first assistant. Since my Imp cannot keep himself afloat anymore, he is useless to me. You are now my slave, and should you rebel, your soul shall be sent to one of the worst Afterlife planes in existence.."


The skeleton rose off the table, and bowed to it's master.

I guess I have little choice. I damn you for what you have done, but I have no control over my so called body.. What is your wish?

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Forend ran for his life, he had already killed several of his own creations and they weren't built to be killed easily.


"Where can I go? I need somewhere to hide, I need money.....hmmmm maybe I can sell my information on the Atomic Creation Engine to someone, but that would mean someone would have the power to take over the world....no I should not sell the plans, I must think of something else to do"

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Can I join in? Even if I can't, here's Wolven's statistics anyway.


NAME: Wolven, does not know his name.

RACE: Imperial

CLASS: Warrior

WEAPON: Angel's Ice (Elemental Ice)

SIDE: Neutral-Good, but if you had to call him Evil or Good, it would be Good.

BACKSTORY: Wolven lost his memory ever since that blow on the head. All he knows is that when he was a child, he had a crush on a girl with Blonde Hair, who was alot more tougher than she looked. He fights evil and tries to save lives, but everytime he looks at the woman he has a crush on right now, Wolven feels like he's seen her before he lost his memory. Now he knows only little scraps as he tries to gain his memory back. One of his most hated enemies is Silent Pete, an Assassin who kills anyone in cold blood.

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ooc> welcome aboard reaper, sorry I haven't been on lately guys (dial-up sucks)


Llervu had returned to his chambers and found another letter on his desk "BLAST IT! How many letters could possibly be delivered in only 2 days???" Baltis read the letter, hmmmm, perhaps this so-called, "atomic creation engine" could prove useful. he called his secretary, "Send an envoy to this Forend, tell him that we will pay any price for the blueprints. I tire of not having someone to challenge us, and though this may be shooting my own foot, sendone of our journeymen, they could use the experience and if he declines he will atleast prove a worthy adversary, I hope."


Llervu then pressed an ancient switch and appeared in Mal'Saras' study, "I see you have had some success in Necromancy already, although "thread rejuvination" or the art of repairing the "thread" that connects soul and body, is a less studied art it is not without it's virtues. I personally don't care for it as it essentially gives the resurrected new life and free will, which although is good for more "loose" instruction the resurrected are horrible servants if they opposed you in their first life. Now perhaps we work on the more standard, reanimation. beginning with corpse preperation..."


ooc> it may be awhile before I'm on again but I'll defenitely be on next weekend.

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Thanks, Zephyr.


Wolven was sitting down near a tree with dead assassins around him. "Wow, talk about a rough time. I'm gonna need some rest for these cuts... but I can't shake the feeling that there's a great source of evil that could be dangerous to me. No sense in running headlong into it - there's more power of darkness there than I've felt in a long time. Or it could just be the dead assassins. I wonder who sent them...", Wolven thought. He didn't feel normal ever since his worst enemy, Silent Pete impaled Maddi than kicked her off the cliffside. He didn't feel like life was worth living anymore.


Wolven thought long and hard about it, but decided that first he should get some rest. "What is my past? Why were those Assassins so easy? This is definitely something to think about...". Wolven lay against the tree, half-asleep, half-alert for danger. "I guess I'll find the answers... in the morning."



(Can I add Maddi and Silent? Oh, and there were only 3 Assassins with daggers, hence why they were easy. Not trying to imply that Wolven's a god or anything, he's just an Expert with swords.)

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