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The Black Clergy: An epic RP Battle of good, evil and the dark arts


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In the stomach of Archaon, the death-ray, inside the Guild of Mute Assassins, the guildmaster began to wonder where that one member of his had gone. What was his name? Maldariss? Nichalris? The master couldn't think clearly, as he was too tired. In the city of the dead, time passed slowly, and even though it was an Afterlife Plane, Archaon wasn't the most exciting of places. The dead souls there wished dearly for sleep, slumber.

I guess that's what I get for joining the Valkar I suppose.. He thought.


He leaped up into the air, latching onto the fleshy rooftop, and crawled into his study. His study had several stuffed heads of his victims, and a large well in the center. He went over to the well, and picked up one of the scarabs from inside. It was a pale red, that of flesh, and had a large tumor-like eye on it's shell.

He stared into it, looking for new recruits. He had heard of someone who had mercilessly murdered several in a realm called Nirn, and how many other hitmen were killed by a warrior. The guildmaster saw them now, through the scarab's bloody carapace. He saw the one known as Silent Pete, a relentless killer. The guildmaster decided that he would seek this person out, to strengthen the guild's reputation..



"Ahh," Mal'saras whispered to Llervu, concealing his own thoughts, "But he had no strife with me in his lifetime, he opposed my servants..."


The skeletal servant, known as Kunnuptu, was wearing his old ceremonial robes, and was holding his master's books for him. He had tried to hear his master's thoughts, but couldn't hear anything at all, no matter how hard he tried.

Must be this forsaken sigil seal.. He's probably saying something about me, but I cannot hear without any ears!

His fragile body swayed and creaked, and each time he would hear it, he would wince.

Argh! The least he could do is release me 'till I am needed.. If only I could slay him right now!

He tried lifting his arm towards a blade, but his arm was snapped in half.

Gah! What in the great mountain?!?

He reached away, his forearm hanging from the socket, and it reattatched, showing no signs of ever being broken.

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Guess I'm adding Silent Pete.


NAME: You already know.

RACE: Imperial

CLASS: Cold-Blooded Killer.

WEAPONS: Scimitar, Heavily Enchanted Sword Of Fire. The Sword's Name is "Silencer". Also has a Daedric Bow enchanted with Ice and Enchanted Ice Arrows.

SIDE: Evil. VERY Evil.


BACKSTORY: Loves killing. All there is to it. Also loves torturing Wolven.


Other Information: Could possibly be Wolven's Cousin.


APPEARANCE: Hid behind a bulk of Light Armor = only his eyes are seen.

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"hmmmmmm, well, he did just try to kill you, be careful, he very well may gain enough willpower to break those enchantments, an Argonian by the name of Raven-Scale did just that to me once. He still exists, my magics granted him immortality and his own will, his freedom. I accidentally created a near god. It doesn't help that he was the friend of my worst enemy, a man by the name of Baaris Faramel, stinking Altmer, N'Wah. Be careful or that priest just may find a way to break free then you will have created your own worst enemy." Speaking of that wretched Altmer, I sense his prescence, not here on my island, but on a nearby one, which one---AH! He has heard Zephyr's plea, he is on Isla Kronus, blast it! He may aid that accursed archeologist and that engineer if they should choose to fight me. Baltis thought. "Now, for your training, we shall begin with the first tome I gave you, Corpse Preperation Volume 1: Acquisition of the Corpse. In my experience, I would advise old tombs while we are in Morrowind, as the locals get a little hot under the collar if you just take a body from a temple morgue. Here on Isla Knosos, I suggest the Dwemer Crypts, interesting that there are crypts here, the dwemer usually didn't bury their dead, anywho, you will find many complete skeletons there. Now, if you find a fresh corpse, for example, if I give you a body for experiments and you can wait, you should use saffron, ash, and fire salts to dehidrate te body, then wrap it in fine white linens also treated in the same mixture, the let it cure for about 30 days, then you shall have a mummy, which is far more durable than a zombie, and vastly stronger and more adept in magic than skeletons, the ideal muscle for any necromancer. For a lab assistant I advise what you have already done with that priest, but be SURE to break his will or banish his mind and place a replicate concience in it's place. For ground troops, I would suggest skeletons, reinforced with dwemer tubes, metals and Daedroth Leather bindings, they don't take more than an hour or two to prepair and are quite durable that way. I don't encourage using zombies for much of anything except perhaps for experiments on durability and power." Llervu lectured.
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Forend spun as he heard a noise in the scrub behind him, his sword was broken so he readied his fists and went to investigate.


A man emerged, one of his non-created henchman, "So...some of you did survive, what do you want?"


The man bowed down "Master, I am sorry I couldn't hold off the creatures, you built them to well, I have no where else to go, please allow me to serve under you again"


"any other survivors?"


"I don't think so"


"Fine, you may serve me, for a start we must find the nearest city" Although Forend didn't show it, he was incredibly relieved to have a companion.


More rustling came from the bushes ahead of them, "Henchman go see what it is, do you have a weapon?"


"I have a large arsenal of spells"


"good, go see what it is"

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"Is that so?" Mal'saras said, "I don't think he will have enough willpower to break through the Seal of the Tiefling. It's my own special seal that I use for demons such as Balrogs and Yszekraags. Should he reach for a weapon with malignant thoughts in his mind, his arms shall break and twist the closer he gets to anything sharper than a boiled egg. When he pulls back away from it, his arms will re-attatch themselves, showing no sign of damage. It also causes extreme pain towards the soul, weakening it's resolve, and making ever closer to becoming nothingness."

Mal'saras pulled a skull out, pricking his thumb with his sharp nails. He wrote the same seal upon the skull in his blood, and held it towards Kunnuptu.

A red flame came out of the circle on the skeleton's diaphragm, in turn making it disappear, and floated eerily towards the skull. It went inside the skull, making the symbols on it glow brightly. The skeleton fell to the ground in a pile of dust and bones.

"I will take your advice on using a different soul and body. I'm thinking along the lines of having a Chain Spirit become one of my servants."

With that notion, Mal'saras pocketed the skull, and headed off towards the Dwemer Crypts.

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Wolven: ...I can't seem to get any rest. Then again, sleeping in the wilderness isn't a good idea. I should probably go find some more secure place to... *Looks over to the east*


Silent: *Stabs someone through the lung, ducks a blade and throws the person towards the group of people attacking him* And another. *Blocks an attack and slices the other person in half, then slits another person's throat* Anyone else?


Wolven: *Ducks behind the tree* Damn... That's NOT good. *Activates an Invisibility spell and sneaks out of there, while Silent Pete just murders the ones who aren't running*


Silent: Hah! I expected more of a challenge. Seriously, knives? What good's that gonna do you? I shouldn't even waste my time with you!


*Someone sneaks up behind Silent*


Silent: *Grabs her by the throat* Huh?


Wolven: HUH?


*Silent and the girl just look at Wolven*

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His minion comes back "It was nothing sir"


"alright, lets go"


Forend and his minion reach the city without an event and his minion "organizes" a place to stay, a large mansion, separated from the rest via a large cliff.


"Minion, I think we should build a new A.C.E. but a more controlled one, my last experiment was just the beginning. This one WILL work!!


O.K we only need two things to power it, a grand Sigil stone and a major void essence. You find the grand sigil stone, a collector may have one somewhere, I'll take care of the Major Void Essence"


"As you wish"

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Before Forend's assistant could leave a tall, lean, form materialized at the door. His skin was a swirling tormult of colors and energies, it looked like the reflections of clear water on the bottom of a black lake bed. His eyes were a dull, lifeless, deep blue, similar to that of something resurrected, his hair was grown long, nearly down to his waist, it was not black in the normal sense of the hair color, but true black, no light reflected off of it, it had no sheen or texture. "That which you seek can be acquired." The figure said, his voice seemed to be like it was spoken from the end of a canyon, echoing yet quiet and distant, giving it an ethereal quality. "The Lord of Flesh has what you seek and more. Come and you shall recieve his great kindness." The being seemed to grow slightly darker when speaking of his master, not so much that he were afraid or angry, but it seemed that the mere mention of the name drew from his power.
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The man scoffed at Forend's insult, "Well, you permiscuous, young fool, you seek three things, one: a grand sigil stone, my Lord has several to offer you, two: a major void essence, also in stock, and finally you seek power, if you work for Lord Llervu you will become powerful beyond your wildest dreams. Ah yes, and the name is Arcus of Black-Rock, Sarosian Deatheye. Don't call me puddle-man again or you shall feel true fear and pain at the hands of my minions and my magics. Back to my Master's offer, what say you?" Arcus began slowly moving his arms into complex patterns that were very hard to notice, much less interpret...
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