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The Black Clergy: An epic RP Battle of good, evil and the dark arts


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"Fine, but if your offering all three then I only need one....power, it deems the others useless...tell your master he has a deal....now run along now drip"


Forend turns around "I trust you to show ourself out"

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Mal'saras had arrived at the crypt door. It was large, made of gold and brass, with complicated designs running over it that looked like golden vines.

The skull containing Kunnuptu was rattling violently, sending explosive curses at Mal'saras' mind.

When I get out, I shall lay you upon a slab, and rip out your intestines! Then I shall implant eels inside them, and let them feast upon your innards for the rest of your life!!!

The skull screeched, drawing attention from several of the outlandish beings of this realm.

"If you do not quiet your insignifigant rant, I will shatter your soul into a million pieces!"

Mal'saras shouted at the skull.

He raised an open palm to the door, and sent a large fiery blast towards it. The blast did nothing, and sent him hurtling back 20 feet. He rose up, dusting himself off, and returned back to the door.

This time, pulling out the Chaos Ring, and slicing it down the metal door, the metal crackled with purple and green lightning, and yawned open, revealing a dank, shadowy abyss.


He put the weapon away, and went inside the crypt, a large flame hovering next to him.

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"hmmmm should I join this mysterious man, with no actual promise of help....its a big chance, BUT he may not understand or completely understand the nature of the A.C.E. I will work for this man, maybe later I can...."


"Sir what should we do?"


"keep waiting"

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In the amount of time it takes lightning to stike Arcus was in front of Forend, his left palm alight with a black and white flame and his right palm held a wicked looking sword, a blade that looked like flame frozen in steel, the pomel stone was similar to that of an Oblivion sigil-stone. "Never, call me drip or puddle-anything again or this flame shall be the last thing that you witness. So help me, if Llervu didn't want you alive I'd kill you were you stand!" Arcus' skin had stopped it's rippling appearance and was an opaque black, not black like that of redguards, but black like the depths of a bottomless pit. The air seemed to crackle with intense energy. Arcus returned to normal and grasped Forend's throat "Time to see the master, contact is essential for this, and I want to make it as PAINFULLY clear as possible that I don't like you." Arcus and Forend disappeared in a whirl of darkness and arrived in the same Dwemer cript Mal'Saras had entered, only in the antechamber with Llervu standing there. "Here's the maggot you aksed for....massster." Arcus hissed then disappeared.


"Ah, atlast we meet, I am Baltis Llervu, we shall discuss your employment in a moment but first see to your chambers-" Baltis sent Forend through another dark abyss to arrive in a luxurious bedchamber filled with mahogany furnishings, although it was evident it was a place of dwemer construct. Forend realized Llervu was still in the crypt...


"Ahem, uh Mal'Saras, you didn't have to cut the door open...There WAS a handle, we have researchers down here almost 24/7. I'll have to repair that door myself at some point, but eh. Next time, try the handle first?" And Llervu disappeared. He sat at his desk and Forend appeared seated before him. "Now, your employment......I want an ACE. You WILL do this for me, and if you attempt to finagle your way into reversing this you will die. As a necromancer I have the power to resurrect you and I know enough about Neurology that I can read all your memories like a book, and I'll construct it myself. When you are done you shall be released, never to set foot on this isle again unless you join our order, but judging from your disposition towards my second in command Arcus, I doubt you will."

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"Arcus eh? He must be the showoff more concerned about his ego that obeying your orders, well whatever...you want an ACE....but how badly? I mean you look like an all right guy, who'd probably use the ACE to reach world harmony but....your not my type, and currently; I'm not willing to do this for you"
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"Oh save your sarcasm for someone who cares and someone much much less powerful than me." Llervu said his tone suddenly menacing. "You should choose your words carefully around me-and Arcus"

A blade appeared near Forend's throat once more and the cold, menacing voice rang out "I'm always watching you, RAT" and then Arcus disappeared once more into his realm, unseen, unheard, but everwatching.

"Now then, why will you not do this for me?" Llervu said, suddenly cordial again.

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Forend scoffed


"why won't I do this for you? One; the minions you employ are hopeless, seriously, whats-his-name errr Arcus, thats it. He is pitiful to look at, he gets the job done I suppose, but he lacks style. Two; I have no guarantee you won't just murder me after you have the information. Three; If an ACE falls into the wrong hands, ie you, the world is practically doomed, and I'm not finished with the world yet...


Well those are the reasons I am a bit cautious about giving you the schematics for an ACE, but then again I did pray for someone to buy the ACE plans from me and beggars can't be choosers...


(Forend thinks for a while)


Yes I will build you the ACE, on one condition. The minions built will answer to me, and me only, but I will answer to you. The minions will act as a sort of mercenary army, with me as the leader. Do you understand?"

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"Oh I understand," says a voice in the corner.






Guild:Freelance mercenary specializing in demolitions, the sneaking around to plant demolitions, and hidden weaponry (concealed weapons).


It seems that Mordekai had snuck in before this convesation took place, and spent the next day skulking in the shadows and wondering if he should leave. "I see no reason that mercenaries need to be built," he says. "I think that they would be happy to be.... comissioned, for your service...."

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