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R&D XCOM Map Alterations


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Oh, I had it added has NonNativePackage, thank you! I thought that RebuildWorldVolumes would do the trick but I wasn't able to create a solid mesh :sad: I suppose the original streams have extra data for the grid OR I'm setting my level actor with the wrong parameters..

In the picture the green volume is a Building volume and the other is the rebuild world data one. Open a bomb stream and notice that there are rebuild volumes around the nodes and the bomb, oddly the exalt antenas don't have it.


However I can create volumes that block granades :smile:

here are the updated classes + my current map




Edited by LiQuiD911
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Holy friggin' cool...


I suddenly have a very strange hunch that this basic LiQuiD911's work could signify the essential building blocks of proper MAP creations from scratch by anyone!

Keep going, buddy -- we're certainly watching with renewed interest. ;)

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It's a textureless mech created from a brush and then scaled down to 96x96x96, there are a few others usable trough the udk.. The position of an object must have an offset of 48 (placeing it in 0-0-0 doesn't align with the grid). I wonder if it's possible to insert the texture packages as dlc.

Alas, the current progress is fruit of procrastination on my university assignments and I cannot work on this full time. I'll start half- brute forceing the import of the stub classes needed for a spawn alien kismet command but I can't give you fast results. At the moment we could make a granade/rocket shield trough a volume (possibly moved around with mutators) I'm curious how would the ai respond to it :smile:

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The problem is in our actor setup (maybe because at the moment the cube is an actor and not an interractive or destructable actor like bombs and cars). The reconstruct world data volume works! The bad news is that it didn't add vision blocking ,only cover. However it removed the vision blocking in the old location. The results are...less than pretty xD I moved the actor by hexediting (the hovering window could be moved too) and added rebuild volumes. Without them the cover doesn't move and the actor would be a ghost mesh, which leads me to thinking that the vision and cover are precalculated at the cooking stage (it would explain the automaticly placed rebuild volumes on the level edges,I'm curious if we can expand the current maps :) ).


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update on "not quite usefull stuff..yet" I spawned an invisible thin man which reveals upon death :smile: (i really haven't started reconstructing pawn stubs)http://i57.tinypic.com/24vs29c.jpg



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I just created the stubs for the kismet script commands.. added an alien_spawn point on the map and that's it! (no need to add an alien type to DynamicAliens in defaultmaps, that actualy spawned an invisible pawn) I'm trying to spawn a civilian at the moment. There is a kismet command to change team of a pawn.

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You can have your very own location :smile: An entire LiQuiD911 map! :smile:


BTW, regular non-kismet spawns use XComAlienPod_Abduction/XComAlienPod_Terror objects for placement. They do not require any pawn content, afaik.

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