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R&D XCOM Map Alterations


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@wghost, I think I managed to fix the squadvisiblepoint problem, by switching off the LOS blocking of the bomb actor (which is buggy by default, it only provides los blocking when it's near wall and not in the open, a while ago I did some testing) and raising the z of it's squadvisiblepoint by 64.. now my squadvisiblepoint triggers , but the bomb sighted does not always trigger on close quarters maps like the slaughter house.


So it this working 100% bug-free in the current download?

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In the tests I did the nodes/bomb/meld always showed up when spotted by a unit or a scanner. I am getting fps slowdowns after many mission restarts but I do not know if it's related to the patch, I'll test that intesivly today.

Edited by LiQuiD911
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I cannot reproduce the slowdowns I had last time I tested, the patch seems to be working fine. Even if the nodes are invisible, they still provide cover and block pathing, players can guess their locations if there's a unit in range (but it could be an alien pod instead of meld/node)


The only problem is that I currently support up to 5 meld pods per map, I'll try to make that variable

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The tints of some objects like cars can be changed dynamicly, here's test with random colours, the results are... funky xD

The car doors are separate objects and get a different colour






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Yes,add as a streaming map to any map which has meld or a bomb.


Anybody have any idea if I each StreamingMaps entry index has to be one more than the prior one, or can I append "StreamingMaps[9]" to the end of every line and the entry still work?

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Ya all know me right? And you certainly heard of my fascination with colors also?


Please proceed with the "randomized tints" of various Map objects as soon as you can. I'll be the last to raise hell about such a new gimmicky LW feature.

In fact -- Do it, now. :D


Bright Red Meld Canisters, here i come. ;)

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As far as I can see from XComMapManager code, StreamingMaps array is dynamic, so StreamingMaps[0] followed by StreamingMaps[9] probably won't work.


UPD: although I can't find any other definition, my experiments show that StreamingMaps is not a usual dynamic array. So you actually can write something ridiculous, like StreamingMaps[100] and it'll work. Example:

Maps=( MapFamily="URB_Boulevard",             Name="URB_Boulevard",                DisplayName="URB_Boulevard_Bomb (Mission Variant Bomb Defusal Boulevard) |4",                     MissionType=eMission_Special,             bInRotation=False, TimeOfDay=eMissionTime_Day,   ShipType=eShip_None,          eRegion=eMissionRegion_None,         CouncilType=eFCMType_Bomb,       NewMap=True, InitialChance=20,  InitialGain=1.04, DynamicAliens[0]=eChar_Thinman, DynamicAliens[1]=eChar_None, StreamingMaps[5]=( MapName="URB_Slaughterhouse_Stream", Loc=( X=0, Y=0, Z=0 ), Rot=( Pitch=0, Yaw=0, Roll=0 ) ),    StreamingMaps[100]=( MapName="CIN_DropshipIntros", Loc=( X=0, Y=0, Z=0 ), Rot=( Pitch=0, Yaw=0, Roll=0 ) ) )            
Edited by wghost81
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