LiQuiD911 Posted May 19, 2015 Share Posted May 19, 2015 (edited) @zyx hah, I thought you might like it :D I need to group the actors which are made of 2 or more elements. Also, I need a better function to assign colors,plain random red, green and blue function gives mostly fabolous colors which are not very common on cars. Any suggestions on a random function which does not use preset colors?Heres the demo streaming map for recoloring: Another thing, can someone unlock the tints for shivs in the UI menus? Edited May 19, 2015 by LiQuiD911 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zyxpsilon Posted May 19, 2015 Share Posted May 19, 2015 (edited) You could always try "picking" the formal Armor & Helmet sets via their usual parameters (0-32), right? If anything that could be a basic start routine that would be expanded later on to provide some extra Coloring combos as custom assets pulled into that new function as need be. But i think the essential part of that process is to be able to determine which objects exactly fit the planned deal (both in code principles and relative compatibility terms) with "random impacts". A thorough list of potential candidates for custom colorization would have to be integrated in some addressable array where the actual random function gets to work on. Heck, one could even extend that reasoning to create "categories" of map objects for their own correct factors such as Wood Benches or Brick Walls and even -- Trees!Take the Abduction Pods for example... they spit out a greenish mist cloud. If these could be changed as bloody-red... then, their counterpart "Mommified Bodies" would require to be Red also. Well, that's the basic thinking with cohesive palettes applied to corresponding map elements. Suggestion for a generic pallette? I'd have to recommend the highly versatile HTML resource as it goes on a wide spectrum and covers a fair enough amount of Hues and Saturation ranges. (Sic... with 00-33-66-99-CC-FF cycles) Heck... somewhere, somehow in the past -- i've even created my own 'Hexact.PAL" which uses a different cycle (generally speaking -- CMYK+RGB) but (surprisingly) has smooth ranges; PS; This is all a very interesting opportunity to gain control over the Tactical "feel" of the game... thus, it's important in my mind that the new functions be as solid and feature(s) filled as possible -- while a coder tackles that task. Took a look at your latest demo UPK code but i really wouldn't know how to experience it within games, sadly! I second your request for SHIV tints -- entirely! But if someone in the LW-Team ( Amineri, are you willing?? ) ever gets down to that code section... they might as well try adding extra custom "pallettes" for the regular Armor Tint sets, specifically designed to allow players to create personal color-combinations, etc -- btw. :D Edited May 19, 2015 by Zyxpsilon Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Krazyguy75 Posted May 19, 2015 Share Posted May 19, 2015 I can't wait to get the random mission where the aliens sent the pink drop pods to cover the humans in cotton candy pre-kidnapping. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LiQuiD911 Posted May 20, 2015 Share Posted May 20, 2015 Not all objects support these tints, in the screenshots every actor has it's colours changed but it does not apply to all, at least with the variables and functions I am using ( I have to try with the building walls ) all the upks I upload are "streaming maps", place them in the cookedPC folder and open Defaultmaps.ini, see that at the end of each entry there is a streaming map section, you have to append a new entry with the patch name ( mind the braces ). So the idea is to create these color presets and select a random one from the pool? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zyxpsilon Posted May 20, 2015 Share Posted May 20, 2015 (edited) Thanks for the UPK streaming maps info. Seems like it's quite easy to install for some curiosity purposes. Presets? Exactly... if you are able to supply the function (framework is already in place from what i could detect in your initial test code) with a "parametric" array distribution step -- all is needed are; 1) Possibly just one pre-defined generic palette (Web-Safe HTML, Hexact, Firaxis' Armors-Helmets, etc) that would serve as a permanent basic reference. 256 colors are plenty enough, AFAIC! Here's a quick image that reproduces the Hexact pool in "Windows Color Picker" form with the usual Jasc-Pal file structure... PS; Don't forget this image was possibly "altered as JPG" by the host-site for compression reasons. As a result, some of the authentic colors might not be there on that sample. :smile:I can supply you with the correct PSP-PAL file if you (absolutely) need it...Left-to-Right--Top-To-Bottom... RGB... (0,0,0) to (255,255,255)as follow; JASC-PAL01002560 0 0128 0 00 128 0128 128 00 0 128128 0 1280 128 128192 192 192192 220 192166 202 240128 64 00 128 6464 128 064 0 128128 0 640 64 12832 32 3296 0 00 96 096 96 00 0 9696 0 960 96 96176 176 1760 224 320 32 22496 48 00 96 4848 96 048 0 9696 0 480 48 9648 48 4864 0 00 64 064 64 00 0 6464 0 640 64 64160 160 1600 192 640 64 19264 32 00 64 3232 64 032 0 6464 0 320 32 6464 64 6432 0 00 32 032 32 00 0 3232 0 320 32 32144 144 1440 160 960 96 160224 224 32192 192 64160 160 9632 0 22464 0 19296 0 160255 64 00 255 64192 255 064 0 255255 0 1920 192 255224 32 0192 64 0160 96 08 8 896 96 16064 64 19232 32 224160 0 96192 0 64224 0 32255 192 00 255 19264 255 0192 0 255255 0 640 64 25596 160 064 192 032 224 0255 224 224224 255 224255 255 224224 224 255255 224 255224 255 25516 16 16255 224 192192 255 224224 255 192224 192 255255 192 224192 224 25532 224 3264 192 6496 160 96255 192 192192 255 192255 255 192192 192 255255 192 255192 255 255255 224 32255 208 160160 255 208208 255 160208 160 255255 160 208160 208 255160 96 160192 64 192224 32 224255 160 160160 255 160255 255 160160 160 255255 160 255160 255 255255 192 64255 192 128128 255 192192 255 128192 128 255255 128 192128 192 255224 32 255192 64 255160 96 255255 128 128128 255 128255 255 128128 128 255255 128 255128 255 255255 160 96255 176 9696 255 176176 255 96176 96 255255 96 17696 176 25596 160 25564 192 25532 224 255255 96 9696 255 96255 255 9696 96 255255 96 25596 255 255255 96 160255 160 6464 255 160160 255 64160 64 255255 64 16064 160 25532 255 22464 255 19296 255 160255 64 6464 255 64255 255 6464 64 255255 64 25564 255 255255 64 192255 144 3232 255 144144 255 32144 32 255255 32 14432 144 255160 255 96192 255 64224 255 32255 32 3232 255 32255 255 3232 32 255255 32 25532 255 255255 32 224160 80 00 160 8080 160 080 0 160160 0 800 80 160160 96 9696 160 16080 80 80160 0 00 160 0160 160 00 0 160160 0 1600 160 160208 208 208192 96 00 192 9696 192 096 0 192192 0 960 96 192192 64 6464 192 19296 96 96192 0 00 192 0192 192 00 0 192192 0 1920 192 192224 224 224224 112 00 224 112112 224 0112 0 224224 0 1120 112 224224 32 3232 224 224112 112 112224 0 00 224 0224 224 00 0 224224 0 2240 224 224240 240 240255 128 00 255 128128 255 0128 0 255255 0 1280 128 255255 251 240160 160 164128 128 128255 0 00 255 0255 255 00 0 255255 0 2550 255 255255 255 255 2) The array itself that goes through every assets (or groups of) being targeted by the randomization cycle. The pool is then "attached" to specific color-sets for every object types. Example... to the far left of the tiny "rainbow" filler rectangle are two special Six-Packs of Pastel hues (well - that's what i call them) that respond to the six-sides Hexagonal combination of primaries with secondaries. Indirectly -- it's the Color-Wheel in powers of 4-6-8 that match with the RBG+CMY(K) models which you can also see (RGYBMC) in the bottom right side area. Thus, you'd pick any given sets and assign them to a variety of map elements. 3) Patience & skills! :wink: Edited May 20, 2015 by Zyxpsilon Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LiQuiD911 Posted May 20, 2015 Share Posted May 20, 2015 Hmm I'll check how ini loading is done in unrealscript Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LiQuiD911 Posted May 21, 2015 Share Posted May 21, 2015 The ini part is done, could someone populate the color entries? Here's the current format:The file is called DefaultTints.ini [XComUDK.ActorTint]Tint= (R=255 ,G=0 ,B=0 )Tint= (R=0 ,G=255 ,B=0 )Tint= (R=0 ,G=0 ,B=255 )Tint= (R=0 ,G=0 ,B=0 )Tint= (R=255 ,G=255 ,B=255 )Tint= (R=255 ,G=255 ,B=0 )Tint= (R=255 ,G=0 ,B=255 )Tint= (R=0 ,G=255 ,B=255 ) I'll check if there is an easy way to group objects Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zyxpsilon Posted May 21, 2015 Share Posted May 21, 2015 (edited) Sure... i'll just do it for the "Hexact" palette entries -- later today for you. (Be back...) There you go! [XComUDK.ActorTint] Tint= (R=0 ,G=0 ,B=0 ) Tint= (R=128 ,G=00 ,B=0 ) Tint= (R=0 ,G=128 ,B=0 ) Tint= (R=128 ,G=128 ,B=0 ) Tint= (R=0 ,G=0 ,B=128 ) Tint= (R=128 ,G=0 ,B=128 ) Tint= (R=0 ,G=128 ,B=128 ) Tint= (R=192 ,G=192 ,B=192 ) Tint= (R=192 ,G=220 ,B=192 ) Tint= (R=166 ,G=202 ,B=240 ) Tint= (R=128 ,G=64 ,B=0 ) Tint= (R=0 ,G=128 ,B=64 ) Tint= (R=64 ,G=128 ,B=0 ) Tint= (R=64 ,G=0 ,B=128 ) Tint= (R=128 ,G=0 ,B=64 ) Tint= (R=0 ,G=64 ,B=128 ) Tint= (R=32 ,G=32 ,B=32 ) Tint= (R=96 ,G=0 ,B=0 ) Tint= (R=0 ,G=96 ,B=0 ) Tint= (R=96 ,G=96 ,B=0 ) Tint= (R=0 ,G=0 ,B=96 ) Tint= (R=96 ,G=0 ,B=96 ) Tint= (R=0 ,G=96 ,B=96 ) Tint= (R=176 ,G=176 ,B=176 ) Tint= (R=0 ,G=224 ,B=32 ) Tint= (R=0 ,G=32 ,B=224 ) Tint= (R=96 ,G=48 ,B=0 ) Tint= (R=0 ,G=96 ,B=48 ) Tint= (R=48 ,G=96 ,B=0 ) Tint= (R=48 ,G=0 ,B=96 ) Tint= (R=96 ,G=0 ,B=48 ) Tint= (R=0 ,G=48 ,B=96 ) Tint= (R=48 ,G=48 ,B=48 ) Tint= (R=64 ,G=0 ,B=0 ) Tint= (R=0 ,G=64 ,B=0 ) Tint= (R=64 ,G=64 ,B=0 ) Tint= (R=0 ,G=0 ,B=64 ) Tint= (R=64 ,G=0 ,B=64 ) Tint= (R=0 ,G=64 ,B=64 ) Tint= (R=160 ,G=160 ,B=160 ) Tint= (R=0 ,G=192 ,B=64 ) Tint= (R=0 ,G=64 ,B=192 ) Tint= (R=64 ,G=32 ,B=0 ) Tint= (R=0 ,G=64 ,B=32 ) Tint= (R=32 ,G=64 ,B=0 ) Tint= (R=32 ,G=0 ,B=64 ) Tint= (R=64 ,G=0 ,B=32 ) Tint= (R=0 ,G= 32 ,B=64 ) Tint= (R=64 ,G=64 ,B=64 ) Tint= (R=32 ,G=0 ,B=0 ) Tint= (R=0 ,G=32 ,B=0 ) Tint= (R=32 ,G=32 ,B=0 ) Tint= (R=0 ,G=0 ,B=32 ) Tint= (R=32 ,G=0 ,B=32 ) Tint= (R=0 ,G=32 ,B=32 ) Tint= (R=144 ,G=144 ,B=144 ) Tint= (R=0 ,G=160 ,B=96 ) Tint= (R=0 ,G=96 ,B=160 ) Tint= (R=224 ,G=224 ,B=32 ) Tint= (R=192 ,G=192 ,B=64 ) Tint= (R=160 ,G=160 ,B=96 ) Tint= (R=32 ,G=0 ,B=224 ) Tint= (R=64 ,G=0 ,B=192 ) Tint= (R=96 ,G=0 ,B=160 ) Tint= (R=255 ,G=64 ,B=0 ) Tint= (R=0 ,G=255 ,B=64 ) Tint= (R=192 ,G=255 ,B=0 ) Tint= (R=64 ,G=0 ,B=255 ) Tint= (R=255 ,G=0 ,B=192 ) Tint= (R=0 ,G=192 ,B=255 ) Tint= (R=224 ,G=32 ,B=0 ) Tint= (R=192 ,G=64 ,B=0 ) Tint= (R=160 ,G=96 ,B=0 ) Tint= (R=8 ,G=8 ,B=8 ) Tint= (R=96 ,G=96 ,B=160 ) Tint= (R=64 ,G=64 ,B=192 ) Tint= (R=32 ,G=32 ,B=224 ) Tint= (R=160 ,G=0 ,B=96 ) Tint= (R=192 ,G=0 ,B=64 ) Tint= (R=224 ,G=0 ,B=32 ) Tint= (R=255 ,G=192 ,B=0 ) Tint= (R=0 ,G=255 ,B=192 ) Tint= (R=64 ,G=255 ,B=0 ) Tint= (R=192 ,G=0 ,B=255 ) Tint= (R=255 ,G=0 ,B=64 ) Tint= (R=0 ,G=64 ,B=255 ) Tint= (R=96 ,G=160 ,B=0 ) Tint= (R=64 ,G=192 ,B=0 ) Tint= (R=32 ,G=224 ,B=0 ) Tint= (R=255 ,G=224 ,B=224 ) Tint= (R=224 ,G=255 ,B=224 ) Tint= (R=255 ,G=255 ,B=224 ) Tint= (R=224 ,G=224 ,B=255 ) Tint= (R=255 ,G=224 ,B=255 ) Tint= (R=224 ,G=255 ,B=255 ) Tint= (R=16 ,G=16 ,B=16 ) Tint= (R=255 ,G=224 ,B=192 ) Tint= (R=192 ,G=255 ,B=224 ) Tint= (R=224 ,G=255 ,B=192 ) Tint= (R=224 ,G=192 ,B=255 ) Tint= (R=255 ,G=192 ,B=224 ) Tint= (R=192 ,G=224 ,B=255 ) Tint= (R=32 ,G=224 ,B=32 ) Tint= (R=64 ,G=192 ,B=64 ) Tint= (R=96 ,G=160 ,B=96 ) Tint= (R=255 ,G=192 ,B=192 ) Tint= (R=192 ,G=255 ,B=192 ) Tint= (R=255 ,G=255 ,B=192 ) Tint= (R=192 ,G=192 ,B=255 ) Tint= (R=255 ,G=192 ,B=255 ) Tint= (R=192 ,G=255 ,B=255 ) Tint= (R=255 ,G=224 ,B=32 ) Tint= (R=255 ,G=208 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,B=192 ) Tint= (R=192 ,G=0 ,B=192 ) Tint= (R=0 ,G=192 ,B=192 ) Tint= (R=224 ,G=224 ,B=224 ) Tint= (R=224 ,G=112 ,B=0 ) Tint= (R=0 ,G=224 ,B=112 ) Tint= (R=112 ,G=224 ,B=0 ) Tint= (R=112 ,G=0 ,B=224 ) Tint= (R=224 ,G=0 ,B=112 ) Tint= (R=0 ,G=112 ,B=224 ) Tint= (R=224 ,G=32 ,B=32 ) Tint= (R=32 ,G=224 ,B=224 ) Tint= (R=112 ,G=112 ,B=112 ) Tint= (R=224 ,G=0 ,B=0 ) Tint= (R=0 ,G=224 ,B=0 ) Tint= (R=224 ,G=224 ,B=0 ) Tint= (R=0 ,G=0 ,B=224 ) Tint= (R=224 ,G=0 ,B=224 ) Tint= (R=0 ,G=224 ,B=224 ) Tint= (R=240 ,G=240 ,B=240 ) Tint= (R=255 ,G=128 ,B=0 ) Tint= (R=0 ,G=255 ,B=128 ) Tint= (R=128 ,G=255 ,B=0 ) Tint= (R=128 ,G=0 ,B=255 ) Tint= (R=255 ,G=0 ,B=128 ) Tint= (R=0 ,G=128 ,B=255 ) Tint= (R=255 ,G=251 ,B=240 ) Tint= (R=160 ,G=160 ,B=164 ) Tint= (R=128 ,G=128 ,B=128 ) Tint= (R=255 ,G=0 ,B=0 ) Tint= (R=0 ,G=255 ,B=0 ) Tint= (R=255 ,G=255 ,B=0 ) Tint= (R=0 ,G=0 ,B=255 ) Tint= (R=255 ,G=0 ,B=255 ) Tint= (R=0 ,G=255 ,B=255 ) Tint= (R=255 ,G=255 ,B=255 ) Edited May 21, 2015 by Zyxpsilon Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LiQuiD911 Posted May 21, 2015 Share Posted May 21, 2015 (edited) Thanks :smile:I managed to group car doors in the cars. Trains, vans and truck trailers are going to be more problematic..I think that their elements are clustered together in the persistent level actor list Edited May 21, 2015 by LiQuiD911 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LiQuiD911 Posted May 22, 2015 Share Posted May 22, 2015 (edited) I'm grouping trains and trucks by kismet code, now the question is which secondary colours to apply? The vanilla ones are handpicked, truck and trailer, train wagon and it's floor/roof. I could make the truck darker than it's trailer, or make it complimentary or both. Any suggestions are welcome It looks way better with dark sweetfx filters Edited May 22, 2015 by LiQuiD911 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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