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Moving crane into recipe ?


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Ok ....im sure 90% that it isnt possible but just in case im asking...


Is it possible to make a working crane with several activators,masters,splines etc.. into a buildable object recipe ?


The object in question is here https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/57858?tab=description


and vid of it moving here..(the structure also has a power lift that gets you to the operators nest) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WxZ0aVKkN8Y

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You can create composite objects from a workshop build recipe, but it gets complicated and you need to really understand script functions:


You have a core craftable object which needs to be an activator with a bunch of REF_ATTACH_NODE and a bunch of custom attachment NiNodes.


Attach a script which fires OnInit() to Self.PlaceAtNode() and Self.AttachTo() and Object.SetMotionType(Motion_Keyframed, FALSE) the various attachments which will then move around with the core object. Dont know if splines work like this tho.


Also need to LinkRef all the objects so they can be removed when the core object is OnWorkshopObjectDestroyed()

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