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I just checked out the Warhammer 40K armours

then thought.. Hey that looks like marines from starcraft. Holy... crap

they should make a starcraft mod!


Modify ants into zerglings

Supermutants into various types of hydralisk

ghouls into zealots?

Behemoth into ultralisk

guns will need modification

and VATS has to go.


Seriousely I wanted Starcraft Ghost to come out

and I even preordered it and it got cancelled!

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I dunno about ALL of that, overdoing it a bit imo, but starcraft was my first game for the PC way back in 1998 or w/e, and I still play it to date. I think a Marine looking armor over a Power Armor with a Visor helm. a Dark Templar shaped blade (glow/transparency would drop fps too much), and something for the zerg that would be overdoing it. maybe a Kerrigan outfit or something?
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