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Change nickname - is it possible?


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You might also consider having your current account banned, then making a new one. You will, of course, lose certain member stats like kudos etc... but in your case it might be considered.


Don't do this! You get your account banned to change your user name and it will be regarded as a banned user trying to bypass the ban on the account. I honestly don't know why people keep putting this forth as a good idea :no:

Edited by Oubliette
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Actually, we ENCOURAGE people who want to use a different name to post a request here:

Account Closure Requests.


When processed this results in a ban, but with the annotation that it was done "By request".

(See the results here: Closed Accounts.)

The difference between a closed account and a banned account is simple: a closed account is done by request of the user themselves. A user can request their account be closed and we will ban the account, change the email address (to avoid any worries about your email being stored in our database) and lock it down so it can no longer be used. A banned account is an account that has been banned for breaking our Terms of Service.

We like to catalogue and document closed accounts for our own records, and for yours.

A person who has requested their account be closed is welcome back at any time. All they need to do is fill in an unban request form and let us know they're ready to come back. A banned account is not welcome back, though a banned user can still fill in an unban request form in an attempt to get unbanned.

(Subject to the "If you make things particularly and unnecessarily hard for Nexus staff we may just decide to remove any/all your files and be done with you." rule, of course.)



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Would it ever be a subject to change this? Considering maybe let members change a username freely without having to go through a trial process. I remember PMing Buddah in the past about trying to get my username changed and keeping my Kudos and never got a response. I know why and I should of taken it up with another admin at the time. But that is no biggy now since that was on another username.


Anyways. Allow members to change their username with limitations. I don't mean a one time offer. Perhaps make it where if you change your username you have a 6 month restriction before being allowed to change it again. So things won't get messy and people spamming and constantly changing usernames. It seems like so many do it since I've met quite a few other members close accounts and reopen a new one because they didn't like the username. In a way this would make things a bit easier on the staff members I think. And this way it would flux things and probably wouldn't see a Christmas list of account closure requests.

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This is highly unlikely to change unless and until IPBoards make it possible directly in the software itself.


Currently, the amount of manual, back-end database editing that has to be accomplished in order to retain any given user's association with her/his entire Nexus "content, history, preferences, and presence" is enormous. The only individual case I know about where Dark0ne was willing to tell the Admins to do this (or maybe he did it himself) involved cyberstalking and a real-world threat to a member.

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