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Better Cities - White Gold Tower Flickering Black


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This issue started when I updated Better Cities to 5.3.3. This update also "solved" some other problems I was having, like crashes in specific parts of Cyrodiil (anywhere near the Imperial City) and some parts of Elsweyr; my fps increased by 20 fps in some parts of the wilderness. But it also brought with it this other weird problem: The Imperial City now flickers black from distant view. Even worse, I can't even use the Waterfront esp, because the entire bridge with the lighthouse flickers in and out of visibility (kind of like when there are hundreds of players in one place in an mmo and the scenery is invisible for a while as it tries to load) but this is constant... they aren't loading they're just flickering into and out of visibility. It's very strange. Then the game crashes. It also crashes sometimes when I try to open my inventory near the Waterfront. So, I just don't use that esp until I solve this problem.


So, I assumed it was an LOD problem, but regenerating LOD with TES4LODGEN didn't work. I ran the bat for TES4ll, and that got rid of the black flickering on the outer wall, but the tower and any towers within still flickered. The Waterfront used to have lots of flashing lights in it as well, but TES4ll seems to have eliminated those; there was still the flickering lighthouse area followed by crash. So maybe it's an LOD problem with something (that changed LOD) with which Better Cities was conflicting, and the update fixed some things but caused other conflicts. My other thought was it might be Qarl's Texture Pack III, but for other people it always seemed to work fine with BC. The only mods I can think of that are located near the Imperial City or have anything to do with it are Aberwiin Manor http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/19362/?



and Colourwheel's Sexy Bank. Here is my load order -----> http://pastebin.com/m6ea4Rw3

I am posting this here because I don't think it is a problem with Better Cities, but a problem with some mod(s) conflicting with Better Cities.


(P.S. -- yeah this post really borked up and I had to post the middle of my sentence a few lines down so that they didn't become part of the Aberwiin Manor link)


UPDATE: Okay so it turns out all the cities flicker black. Perhaps this has been happening for a while, as I remember seeing Bruma and Frostcrag spire off in the distance being pitch black, just never thought much of it until the serious Waterfront problems emerged. Now I crash near Skingrad too. I've never crashed near Bruma. Not sure about other cities yet.

Edited by The Black Ninja
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Wow - that actually worked. Thank you so much! However... now all the footstep noises are just a constant pitter-patter and other noises are being muffled. People don't even speak when I interact with them, only when they are openly chatting or in combat. What is going on? Edit: just the game being wonky. I tried another save and the sound problems didn't happen anymore on the original save. Still got lots of crashes in the Waterfront... oh well, looks im gonna have to say bye to Better Cities Waterfront. After I used my video card settings to add some AA and stuff, it looks pretty good. Thanks again olha!

Edited by The Black Ninja
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