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Greatest game series of the decade?


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GTA will win because V was just released and has all the buzz. I personally find GTA boring. I just drive around and smash stuff....I find the combat annoying as hell and I am not a fan of "druggo" hero stories... Edited by sydney666
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In response to post #9199369.

GTA will win because rockstar listens and fixes its problems. Bad animations, bad character dialog, lack of memorable characters with the exception of Serana, PLETHORA of bugs on every new games release, bad playtesting to ensure these things don't happen, general dumbing down of the series taking it further away from its RPG roots.

Bethesda keeps making the same mistakes. They don't fix the problems they already have with the series. Rockstars GTA 5? World is bigger than skyrims, there is much more going on in it, has better graphics, yet somehow released with barely any bugs? Rockstar actually listens to critics and players alike. We have been whining about bad animations since Morrowind, have they been fixed? Nope. Bugs? Still insane amounts at every release.

Bethesda makes great games, but it doesn't make the masterpieces that Rockstar makes. Put it this way. Whenever I played a new GTA game, I was in awe, because when all these GTA games are released, nobody had done what Rockstar did at that time. At the time it comes out you wonder, how could they ever top this experience, yet they somehow do every time. IGN, San Andreas 9.9/10, GTA 4, 10/10, GTA 5 10/10. Bethesda's games? Great games, but its always apparent where they slipped up, where they could have done something better. Edited by tacoscent
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In response to post #9198535.

Do you know how many game companies have gone bankrupt due to piracy? I read an Article on the witcher 2 that more than half the people who ever played the game had pirated it, and not payed the developers for their hard work. Kingdoms of Amalur couldn't even break even, and the game sold well over a million copies.

Rockstar is smart not to release it on PC first. They will make an enormous amount of cash by leaving it to consoles first. And they know people will pirate the s#*! out of GTA 5 once it is on PC, but Rockstar will have already made their money so it won't matter as much. Also realize rockstar doesn't do shitty console ports like Bethesda does. The PC version will likely have a lot more than just some upgraded textures.
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In response to post #9199156.

I play neither of them. I mean I've played GTA 1 and 2 and didn't care too much about it. I played a little bit of Skyrim (vanila) and that was pretty cool. I just couldn't bring myself to sit down and play anymore of it simply because the medieval type of games just doesn't interest me anymore.

However, I agree with you here. And I think Nexus needs to do something about this. Divide the groups into two. Not everyone is into the driven sex appeal type mods. And not everyone is into the more lore-friendly type of mods.

I sit in between. And what I mean by that is. I try to go more for the lore side, but still have some sexiness in the game. I try to leave the skimpy armors discrete or posted elsewhere. Where a more pleasing crowd may enjoy it. I admit that I have posted a few images like that on here. In fact I have one up as I type. It's not a direction I really want to go as far as image sharing. But this is what I mean when it needs to be divided. It's very misleading even though the TOS makes it nice and clear. It's okay to post sex appeal looking images, but it's not okay to go out of proportion and post something completely out of TOS. Nexus should take this in consideration to balance both groups. I know many do not want to see those kinds of images on the image share. And I respect that. As much as I am not narrow minded and enjoy both sides of the world, there are certain images I do not want to see and feel they deserve to be elsewhere. Will they listen? Probably not. Or maybe they already have something cooking. How to make this work? Simple, add tags before the image is posted to the public. Making it mandatory. Does it matter? Yes, I think so, but this comment doesn't really belong here so I'll be leaving now...

Edited by smellytoes
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In response to post #9090658. #9091170, #9091252, #9092027, #9092387, #9093222, #9191087 are all replies on the same post.

You will be surprised. Laptops today are inferior to PC desktops, but they blow away current gen consoles. As long as you have a half decent graphics card, You can just laugh at anyone who enjoys games like Skyrim or Crysis on a console.
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