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Imported model with strange render window behavior


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As the title would explain, I have modified a model slightly, and given part of it a re-texture. Importing it to the GECK isn't the problem, as it looks fine in the preview windows, and I haven't had any errors. However, the issues come when I try to select the model in the render window. Trying to select or move it via clicking on it isn't possible; it behaves as it would if I had pressed the 1 key to make it semi-transparent, minus the transparency. The only way I can select it to at least delete it is through the object list for the cell. And yes, I have checked if I accidentally did press 1, and that isn't the case.


This is probably something simple, like screwing up the export option, but some searching through the forums hasn't yielded anything. Thanks in advance.

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You can select models without collision.


What you can't do is select models that don't have the necessary 'BSXFlags' which act as a kind of header information for the engine.


Export with the correct settings or, easier-still open up the model in Nifskope and add some with the appropriate flags.

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I'm noticing two things at this point: despite the retextured material looking properly set up in 3ds max, when I export it and open it in nifskope, it's still referring to the old texture. The other thing is that this is the product of merging two models (the retextured part being the smaller portion being put on the other model).


I'm much more familiar with modeling than texturing, and completely unfamiliar with getting models in gamebryo. I have a rough idea of what I need to do on the latter from some information i've picked up, but not anything to really know what i'm doing.

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Trying to select or move it via clicking on it isn't possible..



I ran into this problem some time ago. Just to make sure the problem is the same one I'm thinking about let me make sure about this. When you bring the model to the Geck Render Window you can no longer select it right? As TrickyVein has said this probably has to do with exporting it with incorrect settings from 3ds Max. I'm assuming you are exporting the nif from 3ds Max using the niftools plugin? If so I think I can help you out.


Just follow the export settings from this image: http://www.wiki.tesnexus.com/images/2/25/3ds_Max_Armor_to_Fallout_New_Vegas-03.jpg


I found that picture as part of this tutorial: http://www.wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/3ds_Max_armor_to_Fallout_New_Vegas


What happened to me when I ran into this problem was that I exported the static object with the Root Node Type as NiNode. When I did that whenever I brought the model to the Geck render window I couldn't select it at all. As the image shows you're supposed to export the static nif with a BSFadeNode Root header. Then I could freeling select the model and move it around etc.


Hope this helps!

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The export settings work fine.


Don't expect to be able to just export your work from max and dump it into the engine without paying attention to the .nif format, however.


Open up another .nif and examine how it's put together and what information/nodes it contains inside of Nifskope. It's the best way to learn.

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