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Lydia male stance troubleshooting


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Feminine Females is the mod I use for this "problem". Add the Dragonfly butt bounce TBBP animations and you get some sexy strutting guards and Lydias. :D Jenassa (in the Drunken Huntsman) is harder to get to walk like a girl to be honest. Jeesh, she's a P.I.T.A.!!!! LOL


If you're worrying about load order with these types of mods you shouldn't. I don't believe they have any dependencies besides the Skyrim and Update masters (I'd have to check to be totally sure, though). This means they can go almost anywhere after those unless you have other mods that may effect them (and something like Dragonfly should go after FF).


Load order sorting is easiest with BOSS. It's not 100% guaranteed, but it does get the LO right most times (I've never had it not get it right). While you're at it go ahead and get TES5Edit to clean up some dirty edits in Bethesda's stuff so you have fewer potential mod issues in the future.

Edited by gvman3670
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I just installed 'Feminine Females' and it seems to work fine.

I installed it in the middle of a game. Lydia was already my housecarl. She did NOT change stance, but Jordis did. And she walks just beautiful. No gorilla arms or bulldog walking. Jordis became my housecarl AFTER I installed the mod.

Someone wrote that you had to install this mod before you start a new game. It will not work for characters already appearing. It seems this person was right.

I am not going to start up a new game today. But I have a feeling that it will also work on Lydia as well.

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