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non-military power armors


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With the Excavator PA in FO76, the idea is introduced that the basic technology for power armor, most likely the frame and user interface systems, were available to civilian manufacturers. Probably not found in the public library, but the government wouldn't prevent research in to its use in non military roles. As such, i propose some "civilian" models of power armor.


RPP-5 Riot Patrol and Prevention systems

Designed for riot control situations in urban environments, the RPP-5 was targeted to police departments as unrest about resource scarcity was growing. Meant to protect against thrown object or small caliber rounds, it's armor is not has durable as military systems. to compensate, the servos are enhanced to increase movement speed noticeably, to better respond to quickly changing riot situations. The armor is also equipped with an anti-mob pushback system, an energy burst that can knock assailants away from the armor to help clear troublesome knots of troublemakers.


X-HRIZ/3 Experimental High Radiation Impact Zone worker system

First designed for work in close proximity to reactors and nuclear waste storage facilities, the HRIZ series was found to be an excellent means of traversing any highly irradiated environment, possibly for repair of critical systems or search and rescue or recovery in areas hit with nuclear strikes. The armor of these systems is tremendous, in particular its energy and radiation resistance, as the were envisioned to be used for extended periods of time in these areas. they were not designed with military options in mind and lack the extensive modularity of combat systems. Secondhand reports suggest an HRIZ could survive being in much closer proximity to a nuclear detonation than any military system.


Any others that could be imagined for situations were the strength, mobility, and protection a powered suit could provide. Fire fighting, construction, demolition, etc...

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There is a FO76 skin for the police idea.


Interestingly the second biggest use of power armour is commercial advertising.

Nuka, Vim!, Slocum's, Sugar Bombs, Abraxo, Red Rocket, etc


Exc-17 is based on T-45, the concept art Institute power armour looks like it's for digging out extra space underground, the big surface area on top combining head, shoulder and torso to spread out the effect of any impact from above.


There's also firefighting from Fallout 76, I think it's honestly the best source of lore friendly -ish non military power armour.

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