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MCM condition to hide a page

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I have successfully used a condition to hide some menu items when DLC is not installed, but I cannot get this to work for the page that the menu items appear on i.e.:

"pageDisplayName": "DLC Settlements",
"groupCondition": 1,



the same group control is set using a hidden switcher. and adding the condition to menu items:

"text": "Far Harbor",
"type": "section",
"groupCondition": 1



hides the section, this works for spacers and controls too.

I read somewhere - maybe the MCM wiki - that the page can have a requirement on a plugin, but I want this page to have a requirement for 1 or more of 4 plugins(DLC).


Am I doing this wrong? Or is it not possible?




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That works, I also need to find a way to "detect" if DLC has been installed since the last session and run another script attached to the quest, clearly "OnQuestInit" won't cut it because the quest wil already be running. Is there a standard way to do this, other than require all DLC for the mod in the first place:)



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In a "game start" quest, have this in the quest script:

Event OnQuestInit()
	RegisterForRemoteEvent(PlayerRef, "OnPlayerLoadGame")

Event Actor.OnPlayerLoadGame(Actor akSender)
	; player loaded game, do stuff

In the OnPlayerLoadGame event you can do is plugin installed checks and set properties or MCM mod settings. Which other scripts can use later.


WSFW uses globals for this so the globals can be used with the condition system.


I'm interested in how you setup GroupCondition 1. I was trying to figure out how yesterday... Every time I tried to test it, MCM said my config file was crap and didn't display until I commented out anything to do with display conditions.

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