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I can't f*cking figure this out! How to make NPC cast spell after dialogue line

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I've been at this for what seems like an eternity, I am trying to get my follower that I made to cast a spell onto the player after a specific line is said. The script for the spell is compiled and everything should be working but I can't test it as I can't seem to figure out how to trigger the script to fire after the dialogue. Please help!

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Sounds like an AI pack issue. Casting by script can work too but the spell will just appear from their head though, with no actual "casting"


Basically, to have a immersive casting sequence, an AI pack needs to be available to them where a routine is ready to usemagic. The spell assigned has to be something they are capable of casting, and otherwise the condition for them to cast needs to be set to allow it. Finally, the NPC needs to be sure that is their current package at that time

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  • 2 weeks later...

Did you ever work this out? Where is the script for the spell? Is the AI package you tried at the top of the NPC's packages list?

Here is what I suggest...

1. Make your dialogue, make sure it works.
2. Put the spell into the NPC's Spell List in the CK, it will need to be there for anything to work properly.
3. Go back to your dialogue and in the "End" papyrus fragment add this :

yourSpell.cast(WhereSpellWasCastFrom, WhatSpellIsCastOn)

4. Make sure you link the script properties!!


try that.

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