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small question


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The GECK is actually based on the Oblivion Construction Set. So there will be some features in GECK tat were not included in The CS.


More tools?


OBSE, OBMM, Wrye Bash, BOSS, BSA Commander, BSA Unpacker, Script Dumper, facegen, Oblivion Save Manager, Pluggy,Tes4edit, Tes4Files, Tes4Geko, Tes4LODGen, And lots more.

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yeah after i posted that i found one already posted i don't have access to internet as much as i use to so sorry for the delay on posting. as for killing off essential's i do the quest first then kill them. and tes is exactly like the geck except for the fact that it has a slightly different interface and so far i havnt been able to figure out how to place things on the map. ill probably just read the wiki on it. but thank you all for the help, unlike most forums this one has been the most helpful to me.
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