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Memory section of enblocal.ini


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  • 8 months later...

Ok guys,


Don't know you but I am completely lost with the differents tweak available around, they exist as much as advices, and I would really appreciate if someone can give me a hand here !


I have

i7-950 (3.07Ghz)


GTX 760 (2 Go)


I have installed

Stable uGridToLoad (currently number 5)

SSME (Skyrim Startup Memory Editor)


Project ENB

which says

"Open enblocal.ini and set VideoMemorySizeMb= <----- enter the correct value for your system ( VRAM + RAM - 2048 )"


So should I have to enter 6144 (for 2048+6144-2048) ? However it says on enbdev forums "damned you fool, 6144 is for Ultra rigs blablabla"


And also,

All around I can read "get ENB Boost, it's freaking awesome" but it doesn't work for me (crash) and all around it also says "change enblocal.ini VideoMemorySizeMb false blablabla"




I believe since the game has been released there were a lot of changes, we all remember the time of getting the 4Gb Patch.. but now I'm lost.. Sometimes I have fews FPS drops around 25 but average is 38 and I really think I can improve this by tweaking


So please, share with me the light and by the same way the true knowledge, if you have it! I really need it !




thx for reading






ps: I am here because

Edited by FauveYeah
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I can understand you're confused. It took me better part of the last weekend to do intense research about enblocal and it's parameters. Unfortunately as you noticed there are several even contradicting statements. And the inventor of ENB, B. Vorontsov, isn't always a big help in terms of better understanding of his awesome work.


So everything I can tell you is my personal conclusion of all the comments I've read!



The formula you mentioned [VRAM+RAM-2048 (maxes out at 10240 by the way)] is for people who run a 64bit Windows version and have at least 8GB RAM. Don't know if you have a 64bit Windows but If not I would not recommend you using this formula.


I would set the correct amount of VRAM your graphics card actually has. In your case it would be 2x1024=2048.


You also have to set




Since ENB series version 0.196 the memory improvements are always already implemented in the ENB itself. So if you're using an ENB preset like Realvision, Sharpshooter etc. that requires an ENB version newer as 0.196 you already have the ENBoost activated so you don't have to (better said must not) also install ENBoost separately.


You said you're using Project ENB and here is the problem:

If you're using the Final Edition of Project ENB then the required ENB series version is 0.119 and will NOT have the ENBoost improvements. Period. You cannot avoid this with installing the ENBoost patch. I assume you tried and that's why you got the CTD.


If you're using the most current version of Project ENB the required ENB series version is 0.221 and in that version the ENBoost feature is already implemented.


The separately ENBoost Patch (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/38649/?) is for those who don't want (or cannot handle) all the graphic stuff of the ENB series but the memory improvements.


Last advice: Don't mess around with UGrids!

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thank you very much for all of this! I will try those tweaks, to see a difference.


Regarding of Enb Boost I'm busing project ENB WITH enb v0.221 so I guess I can't change anything then!


Oh and I wrote a mistake I'm currently Ugrids 7 but it's because the imersion is for me to the see till the horizon and I really really want it!


Well thanks man!



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Regarding of Enb Boost I'm busing project ENB WITH enb v0.221 so I guess I can't change anything then!



No! v0.221 just means the ENBoost feature is already implemented but you still have to adjust the parameters to your current rig.

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Oh Lord...


If you set AutodetectVideoMemorySize=true then the ENB will analyse your Card and will do this setting (and just for AutodetectVideoMemorySize!). Of course you can do this but I would not recommend since I've read several comments that this detection feature may not recognize the whole potential of your card.


You also have to adjust these parameters according to your system:


Fix for game engine buffer limitations; allows 64-bit systems to access 3-4GB RAM with optimized performance. Can generally be left true even for 32-bit systems. If using a 32-bit system and having problems test as false.



This setting is to enable the ENBoost features of ENB to dramatically reduce CTDs. It is highly recommended to use with ENB Series.



Reduce chance of CTD or low performance due to bad video drivers, however with good drivers leaving as "false" can be optimal. When "true", bad drivers can cause lower performance or pauses where they would normally just CTD if "false". Reported to help AMD users. If experiencing CTD even while above setting is set "true", try setting this to "true". If having lag or long pauses, try "false".



When set "true" can give faster cell load times as geometry/textures are not loaded into video memory until visible. May cause stutter as more data must be dynamically loaded into memory "on-demand" as player looks and moves around. If having long cell load times it is recommended instead to first try using the "free VRAM" key (needs to be set in "enblocal.ini") to clear VRAM before entering a new location, or fast traveling, instead to c clear video memory prior to load. Can have a similar benefit without the stutter.


Faster loading times because textures and geometry not actually created when game loading, they are creating only when visible in camera. Side effect is stuttering when object not in memory, but very useful when saved game won't load because of too much data in cells (imho simpler just to set lower quality, go to other place to save). Cell transition take longer time only when new cell objects are visible immediately, so not always valid definition. (B. Vorontsov)



Workaround mode for users experiencing large amount of stutter, typically systems with large amount of VRAM (4GB+) or for 32-bit systems with 4GB+ RAM. For testing only, unless ENBoost utility recommends setting it "true" for hardware being used. Does not use memory reallocation, compression, or enbhost.exe. Only works when ReduceSystemMemoryUsage=true. Alt+tab will not work in fullscreen when this is true.


"EnableUnsafeMemoryHacks=false - yes, again. This is for videocards with a lot of video memory, because this mode is if player don't want to have any stuttering, any side effects (except alt+tab issue) or by some reason this set to false not work (reason actually other software). This mode also perfect if user have disbalanced system like 32 bit OS and videocard with 4 gb video memory. This mode don't use dynamic memory reallocation, so no compression, no enbhost.exe. Also it work only when ReduceSystemMemoryUsage=true set." (B. Vorontsov)


ReservedMemorySizeMb=(256,512, 768, 1024)

The smaller value - the bigger stuttering. Bigger value - better performance but greater chance to have CTDs.

For video cards with 2GB or more VRAM, 512 is a good baseline. For less VRAM, 256 can work better, but needs testing.

For even higher VRAM try 768 but reduce if experiencing CTDs.





setting EnableCompression to true will reduce system RAM usage but on some systems using compression will slow things down enough that you could get (micro-)stuttering, lag, or loss of smooth movement. Find out your general system RAM usage first, and if you're not getting close to maxing out then it is likely safe to leave compression disabled. Nonetheless it's also a good idea to do some tests with the setting enabled and disabled, because some users have reported less stuttering with EnableCompression=true.



Set to false when VideoMemorySizeMb is set to right value.

Edited by Novem99
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