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Try this again ?


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  • 1 month later...


Mate you need to copy paste that here or I don't really think that anyone is going to be able to help you out. You can select any amount of text and press Ctrl+C and then paste it here or in a notepad or something.


Also, it would help if you tell us which specific mod you are trying to get working (make sure you let us a direct link).


Anyways, without knowing any of the former I can tell you what would I do:

Disable all mods that depends on others as 'Requirements' then launch the game and see if those red letters appear again:

  • NO, Steam related red letters are gone: then add mods that depend on those you left enabled one by one, meaning: enable then launch then check then quit game and add another mod. And repeat this until you add that specific mod it's causing those red warnings to appear.
  • YES: then something is wrong with the core of your Valheim modding, so I would recommend a clean install.

Finally, answering your question, no, I've never had red letters involving steam. Are you using a legal copy of the game? :pirate:

Edited by UlisesAffro
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