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Can't get mods to work using Vortex


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I wanted to install a mod for Valheim, but when using Vortex I can't get it to work.


I never used Vortex before because I find it convoluted and difficult to use, I always used the old Nexus Mod Manager which I found to be far more user friendly, but that does not support Valheim.


But to the point.

I wanted to install the unrestricted portals mod to be able to move metals through the portals, but as I said I can't seem to get it to work.

Bepinex is installed and everything seems to be working when I launch, but when testing it ingame it simply does not work, I can't go through a portal when carrying metals.


I have no clue as to what or where the problem lies, so there is really not much information I can give, but I could really use some help to get this to work.

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Yeah I ended up just going manual install and it's working fine.

I figured using a mod manager would make it simpler but Vortex is in my honest opinion convoluted at best to use.


I tried using a mod manager called Thunderstore that was working fine.

However when I found that it has video ads, even though only a few seconds, I dropped it like a hot potato.

I'm very particular when it comes to ads of any kind.

Edited by Kathalie
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  • 4 weeks later...

There is not any issue between Vortex mod manager and this mod you want to install (you little cheater), but you can read in this mod's 'Requirements' section that they want you to 'make sure' that you follow Manual Instalation on BepInExPack.
Still, I installed this mod (for the purpose of testing this only I swear :ninja:) and, even when I never did that manual installation on BepInExPack, is working nicely like all my other 18 mods along.

That said I would recommend you to go back using the advantages of a mod manager tool for it will give you easier and much cleaner tools and methods than manual installation or debuging.


Learning how to use these programs is part of the job and while some managers like MO2 are easier to use for manual modders as its interface is simpler, Vortex provides the same or even more tools if you know how to find them.
Here a beautifully sorted mod list (thing that by the way you wouldnt have to worry about since Vortex work out mod compatibilty independently to the mod list order).

5670830-1647622351.pngYou can see there are some disabled mods for debugging purposes, thing that you, as manual modder, will be completely unable to do unless you do a much longer process (Ctrl+X from plugins, Ctrl+V random folder, run the game, Ctrl+X from random folder, Ctrl+V plugins, run the game) which is replaced here with one click.



I don't know what may have caused your mod not to work but I can tell it works perfectly with Vortex mod installer, no manual installation needed at any point. Sorry for not being more helpful.

Edited by UlisesAffro
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  • 2 weeks later...

The download with mod manager link stopped working with vortex for me a while back and I never cared enough to troubleshoot. I do a manual download. I click "Mods" on the left menu list in vortex, then drag and drop the file at the bottom where it says "Drop Files." Then you have to click Install and then Enable.


It's definitely a convoluted mess, but once you get used to using the only 3 or 4 objects in the interface you will ever need to interact with, the rest kinda just becomes background that you don't even realize is there. Seriously, I had to do a triple take after reading your post. I actually like it more than NMM, and I was a holdout for a while too. The drag and drop is really what makes it for me. Switching game profiles is super easy too, just click the picture. And once you figure out the launch game button is that little circle with the triangle in the picture, well now I have mentioned all of the 3 or 4 objects I ever need to interact with.


Now that I think about it, I think there was a third, really annoying panel in the right at one time that I got rid of in settings. Nope, just checked - it's all the nonsense you see if you scroll down. I haven't scrolled down in so long I forgot about all the nonsense down there.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Im new to modding and i´ve only modded witcher 3 manually before.

From what i can gather I have the same problem as tg08096.

Vortex says that all is fine and i launch the game via vortex but the Bepinex pack does not seem to work. None of my 10 installed mods are working.

Any sugesstions for a novice like me? Where do i start? In the Bepinex folder to try to find a read me file?

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