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[REQ] No Damage Reduction in VATS mod


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I've been looking for a mod that will bring up the VATS damage multiplier from .1 to 1 (and perhaps .5). There was a previous mod on the nexus that accomplished this (http://fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=68) but its been taken down. From the low id, I think it was a pretty early mod (pre-GECK). Anyway, if someone could whip this up, I would be most thankful, and I'm sure I wouldn't be the only one.
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Close, but not quite. "fVATSPlayerDamageMult" is a GMST, not a global variable.


If you change "fVATSPlayerDamageMult" via the console, you won't have to repeat the process every time you open the game, only every time you start a new game or load a save in which it hasn't been changed.



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