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A Postivity Topic


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This may sound cheesy, but let us try to be honest and sarcasm-free. We live in a very cynical world, and I believe being positive is very important. In this thread I feel we should share a message or statement of positivity, big or small, with others. Sometimes the smallest message of hope can help someone in pain. So, what do you feel positive about? What is good?




EDIT: I missed an I in positivity.. but that's okay. We're being posItive.

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Yeah, right. That never happens with me. When people make bland jokes, I try to smile, but it's forced, never becomes genuine.


Maybe you're not trying hard enough :P

I usually get rid of bad moods by thinking happy thoughts (no, really, I'm easy to cheer up). The only time I'm mad is when I stay mad purposefully.

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Yeah, right. That never happens with me. When people make bland jokes, I try to smile, but it's forced, never becomes genuine.


Maybe you're not trying hard enough :P

I usually get rid of bad moods by thinking happy thoughts (no, really, I'm easy to cheer up). The only time I'm mad is when I stay mad purposefully.


That's probably because you have one of those hardcore optimist mindsets. The kind that torture themselves to stay happy. Even if you don't acknowledge it, it still may exist in your subconsciousness. I, on the other hand, am widely known to have a pessimistic view of the world, and I embrace it willfully. If I get angry, I work myself into a cold fury (poetic, eh) that doesn't subside quickly. I can't just force myself to be happy.


Anyway, I do feel positive about being in great shape.

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