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About Monolithic0117

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  1. Steam doesn't work that way. You can't bypass the service like GFWL, the executable needs to be run via Steam. Not sure if this will inhibit mods like FOSE.
  2. how hard would it be to add the same item through console though? and will the bonuses remain as part of the purchase even if i buy it like 4 days after release? a) We don't know. b) You'll need to get a key from the retailer to plug into the Steam client to get your bonuses. c) The odds of someone modding in the pre-order bonuses is extremely high. Well, did FO3 have any pre-order bonuses? also I meant what is the likelihood the pre-order bonuses are literally PRE ORDER BONUS as in if i buy the day after release i will not get the same bonuses as buying the day prior to release. -FO3 had several pre-order bonuses, including a Vault Dweller's Survival Guide and a soundtrack CD. -Depends on where you're buying from. Some Gamestop/EB Games/Best Buy retailers may be generous enough to give you a pre-order bonus even if you didn't pre-order, but there's no chance of that if you're buying it online. -The pre-order bonuses are .esp/.esm files (similar to FO3 mods), which add the items into the game. Without these files, you cannot utilize the pre-order items. Also, modding them in may be illegal if Bethesda decides to sell the pre-order packs as DLC later on.
  3. I have heard about the save before the final quest; just not that it'll let you play after the credits roll. Do you have a source, or is this speculation? I definitely remember reading that in one of the interviews a while back. It's in one of these pages: http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Fallout:_New_Vegas_news
  4. Banning gormonk for mis-spelling "sense".
  5. I'm replaying Beneath a Steel Sky... never played it in depth before.
  6. Banning Omeletter because I haven't banned for two days.
  7. Banning Omeletter because that "old computer style thing" is a classic-themed window.
  8. Banning Slawter for being a nutcase.
  9. Banning Netwit for LOLing and ROFLing too much.
  10. I as well. The Gamebryo engine just isn't up to par in terms of graphical capabilities anymore. Based on the screenshots of Fallout - New Vegas, the game's graphics already look dated compared to other upcoming games. Now, graphics aren't everything, but TES V could definitely benefit from a stronger engine. It's not always the game engine that determines how pretty graphics look, yes they do have a big role in graphics and how they look, but what really makes the graphics is the digital artists behind the graphics. If you do not have great artists, then your graphics will turn out bad no matter how good the engine is. In terms of textures, actual object design, etc., yes, the engine is not too important. But the stuff beneath it - the actual graphical technologies that envelop aspects such as lighting, animation and particles - are governed by the engine. You can only do so much with an engine framework, it is not infinitely meldable.
  11. I as well. The Gamebryo engine just isn't up to par in terms of graphical capabilities anymore. Based on the screenshots of Fallout - New Vegas, the game's graphics already look dated compared to other upcoming games. Now, graphics aren't everything, but TES V could definitely benefit from a stronger engine.
  12. Banning Fifoo because I can't remember the last time I banned him.
  13. I don't have a precise favorite, but Snake comes to mind. I grew up playing Metal Gear/Solid games, after all.
  14. Banning Hangadog because JTHM is one of my favorite alternative comics.
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