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using assets from another mod(my mod) in a newer mod ?


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Hi all...need some help.

Basically i want to use assets i created for one location mod in a new mod.

These are things like trucks,crane etc... ( nifs)

also want to use a packin i made of a crane that is controlled


How can i copy them and use them without taking the location data with the objects and unintentionally linking one location to the other...?


a simple step by step would be greatly appreciated.

Also where is this done ?(in a created space,in ck ,where exactly )...

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1. The nifs are easy. Just create new static objects and import the .nifs there


2. The loose crane is harder. Is it made of vanilla assets only? Maybe you can just copy and paste it into your new cell then. Make sure your new .esp is active and the other one passive

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