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Stupid Vista!


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Agh I'm gona rage here for a sec. So anyways I have Vista now I know pretty much everyone hates it but I've never had problems with it. Anyways I want to get Shivering Isles so I can play some of the mods that I really want but I heard that none of the DLC works for Vista! So who here who has Vista is really ticked off they can't get the DLC?
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I have the Game of the Year Edition (only just started playing Oblivion a short while ago), and I have Vista. Shivering Isles works fine. Unfortunately, the officially downloaded content from Betheseda uses a launcher that will not open if you run Vista. I have heard there are work-arounds, and though I have not tried, I know I came across a mod here that purports to fix this.
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I've been running on Vista, and was able to install SI from disk but could not download the wizards tower,and magic orrery when I bought them. Also whatever support they have listed apparently did not exist as I was unable to contact them about it. But when they offered the fighters stronghold for free, I easily downloaded and installed it, no problem at all.
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its not the problem of vista i suppose you got a new update or sevice pack ? this is the one great problem i just got the same problems on windows xp after dowloading service 3 it seems the game got trouble with the new microsoft security routines wich also got problems with net framework so that obmm sometimes wont work....


but that even wont help you cos stupid idiots from microsoft never ad an option to get rid of their worthless updates

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