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Display Soldiers' XP and Mobility in Character Card View


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Keep going! :)


XP, Mobility & Psi values are something i've been missing greatly ever since ToolBok went "unsupported" and not updated.


I also would enjoy such datasets for integration straight onto the Barracks listing. Ideally, such infos could be squeezed into the "Status" column slots. But -- having these on the cards will be nice -- for now! ;)

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Strangely, i don't "play" with LongWar (beta or not) for a few personal reasons...


-- A vastly complex new gameplay that (of course) does extreme changes to the (vanilla) game can be somehow fun for many players but i'd rather have the authentic feel of the game as designed by Firaxis devs.

-- Mostly, i would alter a few technical elements (as per Toolbok methods, for example) to enhance gameplay and apply corrections where need be (your own patchUPK stuff is quite useful as well, btw).


I'm a lot more into Graphics and re-texturing (hundreds of items!) when it comes to my favorite ways to play. As proven by my "ReCLR Projects", the whole UI gets a vast number of alterations. I simply can't go back to the old CYAN_everywhere interface.


Lately, i've been experimenting with the circle-idlemask_(s) and their animations or core files underneath Soldiers and Aliens. Having a lot of fun with that and probably will release all results in a new ReCLR-FOTSUI version sometimes in May.


But... if we (or even just *I*!) could get a stand-alone PatchUPK fileset that works with Vanilla-EW to make XP+Mobility+PSI values available in the barracks listing -- i'd be happy enough.


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For once I didn't do much work on this mod ... :)


X Marks The Spot did all of the Flash/GfX coding and JL handled the UPK-side. I must admit that it displays a lot of info. Once we get beta 7 pushed out (someday), if both JL and X agree I'd be happy to work on getting the info up and ported into a standalone mod.

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Once we get beta 7 pushed out (someday), if both JL and X agree I'd be happy to work on getting the info up and ported into a standalone mod.


I'll be impatiently waiting until this is ready. TKS again!

Edited by Zyxpsilon
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I found where KSM is hiding on strategic layer! :smile: It's in the armor type. MEC armor is different for each combination of upgrades:




That's crazy.


KSM as an item is added in tactical game based on armor type within XGGameData.GetMecArmorAndWeapons.


I don't want to mess with tactical layer path calculation functions, so I guess I will simply add this code to XGSoldierUI.UpdateHeader:

// KSM armor-based mobility bonus
switch (m_kSoldier.m_kChar.kInventory.iArmor)
    case 196:
    case 198:
    case 199:
    case 202:
    case 203:
    case 204:
    case 205:
        aModifiers[3] += 4;
// Advanced servo motors mobility bonus for SHIVs and MECs
if (((m_kSoldier.m_kChar.iType == 3) || m_kSoldier.m_kChar.eClass == 6) && (m_kSoldier.m_kChar.aUpgrades[122] > 0))
    aModifiers[3] += 3;
PS EW has some crazy programming, that's for sure.
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Sorry, we'd already discovered this and disassembled it for Long War.


It is pretty crazy how they implemented the MEC armors -- adding one item type for each allowed combination of MEC Armor + weapon systems). However this only happens in the strategy layer. Prior to switching to the tactical game the "combined Armor" item is broken down and multiple large items are added to the unit. So in the strategy layer the MEC might have eItem_MecArmor3_Kinetic_Grenade_ProximityMine, but when converting to the tactical game this gets broken down to:

- eItem_MecArmor3

- eItem_MecKineticArm

- eItem_MecGrenadeLauncher

- eItem_MecProximityMineLauncher


These disparate items are recombined into the eItem_MecArmor3_Kinetic_Grenade_ProximityMine when the MEC is returned from tactical to strategy layer.





So yes, your above code should work for vanilla, to the best of my understanding.

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We all forget to share important information some times. :smile:


Implemented it and it's working (but with if statement, not switch).


EW code is a mess. Sometimes it seems like a completely different team was working on EW.

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