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Understanding attacks and locationedgemarkers

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In the workshop attack quests such as:


there are aliases Edgemarker,EdgeMarker02 and Edgemarker03. These don't appear to be filled as such when I examine them. In the properties for the WorkshopAttackScript attached to the quest there is an array ExtraAttackMarkers[] which is filled with the latter two Edgemarkers aliases.


The thing is, I cannot find where these aliases are filled for the WorkshopAttackScript to then:


as in the script.

I can also find no reference at all to the first EdgeMarker.


The quest aliases have the fill type 'myLocation's RefType: LocationEdgeMarker' and 'myLocation' is an alias for the location sent by event script data, which makes sense. But what is the mechanism for associating any particular locationedgemarker with those aliases?


And what script etc. uses the first EdgeMarker alias?



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As the LocationEdgeMarker are also tagged WorkshopLinkAttackMarker in good workshop builds, another entrypoint via linked keywords is:


WorkshopREF > GetLinkedRef > WorkshopLinkCenter < GetRefsLinkedToMe < WorkshopLinkAttackMarker

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LCTN record >

LocationEdgeMarker in LCTN record >

EdgeMarker Ref >

alias Edgemarker >

If exist ExtraEdgeMarkers

I can't see a script attached to the location record, though I see the edgemarkers there. Does this fill the aliases in the radiant workshop attacks?

In case I've been obtuse, I'm not asking how I would fill the aliases, but how the vanilla game is doing it. If by script, then does anyone know which one? Or is there another mechanism? I'm trying to learn how F4 works in this regard.




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As the LocationEdgeMarker are also tagged WorkshopLinkAttackMarker in good workshop builds, another entrypoint via linked keywords is:


WorkshopREF > GetLinkedRef > WorkshopLinkCenter < GetRefsLinkedToMe < WorkshopLinkAttackMarker

Is the GetRefsLinkedToMe the list of items in the 'linked from' tab of the xmarkerheading that is linked from the workshop with keyword workshoplinkcentre?

Also, I don't know what is meant by the "LocationEdgeMarker are also tagged WorkshopLinkAttackMarker".

Looking at the locationedgemarker 001ae315 at starlight drive in I can see that the xmarkerheading has the locationreftype but there are no other keywords in any of the tabs for it?




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Attack Marker is a bad term. Better to say markers for spawn attackers.

Settlements have two types of markers for spawn attackers.

For radiant quests (MinRecruitNN, MinRadiantOwnedNN):

Marker linked by keyword WorkshopLinkAttackMarker to Location Center Marker.
Typical editor names: OutOfSightMarker, AttackMarker or NoName. More often OutOfSightMarker. A maximum of 3 markers. Usually located quite far from the border of the settlement.

For workshop attack quests (WorkshopXXAttackNN):

Marker with LocationEdgeMarker property included in Location record.
Typical editor names: EdgeMarker or NoName. More often NoName. A maximum of 4 markers. Usually located close to the border or within the border of the settlement.

Actually, the attackers do not attack. They traveling to Location Center Marker. But their travel can be interrupted by enemies and they will fight. You are the enemy - UserName.
(Travel Package interrupted by Combat Package.)

Attackers move offscreen, like provisioners. Their target is Location Center Marker. When you arrive at the settlement, the time has passed, they have already reached the marker. You "think" they spawn on a Location Center Marker.

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I can't see a script attached to the location record, though I see the edgemarkers there. Does this fill the aliases in the radiant workshop attacks?

In case I've been obtuse, I'm not asking how I would fill the aliases, but how the vanilla game is doing it. If by script, then does anyone know which one? Or is there another mechanism? I'm trying to learn how F4 works in this regard.



WorkshopParent "Workshop Parent Quest" [QUST:0002058E] >

Send WorkshopEventAttack [KYWD:0004643E] to Story Manager (Data include Location)>

Story Manager select by conditions + RND >

WorkshopRaiderAttack01 [QUST:001125E2] >

On QUST start-up fill aliases >

Alias #0 "myLocation" < Story Manager Data (Location)

select RND from Location>

Alias #21 "EdgeMarker" < LocationEdgeMarker [LCRT:00038C13] from Alias #0 "myLocation"

Alias #42 "EdgeMarker02" < if exists another LocationEdgeMarker [LCRT:00038C13] from Alias #0 "myLocation"

Alias #43 "EdgeMarker03" < if exists another LocationEdgeMarker [LCRT:00038C13] from Alias #0 "myLocation"


WorkshopAttackScript or Script Fragments use this aliases

Edited by wim95
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