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Container Labeler

Ninja Monkey007

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What's up Nexus! Haven't been here in a while. I remember when it was just TESSource :). Anyways, I am looking for a way to be able to label a container on-the-go. I am one that likes to keep things organized in my houses so I like to have a bunch of containers that are labeled such as "Weapons", "Armor", etc. I know there is no way to do it in vanilla Papyrus but I was looking in the SKSE documentation and found only the SetName function which changes the name of the base object which is not what I am trying to do as it would change the name of every other reference to the base object. I don't believe there is a way to do it but I'm just double checking with you guys! If there is no way I will just have to label them myself in the CK. Thanks guys!

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