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Rain. We Need Freaking Rain.


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to make it clear: bethesda does not permit the use of 3rd party products to be used in fallout mods and treats them as illegal, "3rd party" includes oblivion as the right to its assets are still with its developers which are different people than those that worked on fallout...


i dunno how exactly rain is created atm but if its indeed just a particle system one could easily "regenerate" it by taking the oblivion rain as an example... the particly systems are basicly the same, someone just needs to create a brush or model for the raindrops

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Rain that adds rads? No. After 200 years there would be no radioactive fallout in the atmosphere and when water evaporates, it doesn't take anything else with it, just water. Which is why this game is pretty stupid with the whole project purity thing, if you boiled water with radioactive particles the water would evaporate and could be condensed again but the radioactive particles would not.


But I do support the idea of rain, just not rad adding rain.

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1 rad per second because of rain would be too much in my opinion, if you were outdoors for extended periods of time, e.g., the wasteland, you would take a whole lot of rad's very quickly, and the argument for most pools of water being +1 rad per second, while valid, wouldn't apply to the rain, because in water you are being completely submerged, if it's raining you are only having tiny little doses of radiation being dropped on you at a given time.


as for armor reducing the effects, this would take up too much memory for lower end pc's and the author would probably have to completely rewrite the scripts, etc.


I would suggest making two .esp's, one for rain with, say, 0.1 rad's per second (this is just conjecture, the author could change it to whatever they want.) and one without any rad gain at all, which makes sense to me.


cheers, lukkas.

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ya no Red Rain would be cool, And Maskabeatz You have a good point, but your idea would not work, Project Purity is not a stupid, Project Purity is use to clean a large mass of water, And for your idea to work, all the water would need to evaporated and come back as rain, As of the little bit of rain that comes back down, it well be re-contaminated as soon it hits the water
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