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Lelith Hesperax's armor/outfit request! (and hair too?)


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Hello there!


I have recently been browsing the Warhammer 40k wiki, and found this gal:









Kinda sexy huh?


So i was thinking, if someone could make her outfit/armor. Not too skimpy, and also allows enough mobility for someone who's tactics revolve around evasion and striking weak spots.


So no "immortal mode in a bikini" :)



And also there is her hair, with the small blades at the end, it is really awesome.



So the request is this, her outfit, and/or hair. Please, it would be so great if someone would do it :)

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... Kinda sexy huh? ... Not too skimpy ....

kinda sexy + not too skimpy + images provided = wut




Not too skimpy, meaning that the outfit itself has armored plates on the parts most likely to be close to the enemy, the other parts are cut off for extended mobility.


Well in my dictionary, skimpy is basically a bikini.

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