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Black Armor plugin


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I was wondering if there are any mods or plugins (plugins likely) that have Black Armor (just solid black and of heavy armor or medium armor class, not colored like Ebony or anything). I was searching around on MW Summit but could not find any thing. Need some badass armor to go with my cloak plugin...any info will be greatly appreaciated.



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I have Carnithus' Armentarium which has a variety of very awsome demonic armors of many varieties and there are a couple vary nice black sets. Its great and you can find it... right here! at morrowind source!


It's a whopping file but well worth it, see for yourself here


You can buy all the armors at the armentarium in the Mournhold Bizzar, it'll stand out.


If you have any trouble downloading it I can e-mail it to you.

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Qarl's gothic attire I and II... number two was just released. They are designed for Better Bodies. Looks great, but I don't know if there are any heavy armor in there. Number 1 don't and I haven't had the time to try number 2 yet.


Anyway; They certainly are dark! and you need number 1 in order to use number 2.


I also like Carnithus Armamentarium, but the building in Mournhold conflicts with Necesseties of Morrowind, just so you know!


EDIT: I forgot to mention that Qarl's Gothic Attire is only for the ladies... And I've looked through the various clothing in number 2 now, and it looks good. one missing texture and a couple of blank icons, But nice clothes anyway... Though they are all rated as clothing or light armor, so not what you want I guess. Then I would go for Carnithus' Armamentarium!

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There are several mods that give black armour, check out the various forums. Jeremy's Knights of Tamriel series has some very good armours including one that is black and one black and gold. I also have a mod that gives black bonemold armour that is without any other colour. I can't remember the name - there's a shop in Pelagiad - I'll look it out when I get home.
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Yeah, I checked out Jeremy's Knights of Tamirel and was very impressed. The other armor plugin (Carnithus') looks pretty sweet as well. Thanks all for the links and the like, I'll make good use of them :D
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the mod "black robe, tunic and armor" by Cerebrecl has a nice all-black version of Tribunal Royal Guards armour along with a set of black clothes. Powerful, expensive, and very cool for the discriminating dark adventurer. Available on Morrowind Summit.
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Actually, MDrud, the download link does not work when I attempt to DL it. So you may have to email it to me. Unless you have another site where I can try a different download...but for some reason it states that the url cannot be reached.


Meh, poop, and all that...:bleh:

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I can't attach that size of file through the forum e-mail, post or pm me your e-mail address and i'll send it to you, btw did you do a search on morrowind summit for carnithus? Also... uh whats it called? Thyles morrowind mods has it, i can't remember the exact name but its hosted by mwsource so it should't be that hard to find.
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