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Oblvion XP problems


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I have recently been experimenting with leveling mod's like Oblivion XP, and after playing around I decided that I actually like the skill based leveling system and have removed the alternative mod's and instead used +5 to attributes mod. (I do hate the efficient leveling concept)


Anyway, everything seems ok, I am back to getting levels in my major and minor skills as expected, but the progress to the next level bar is staying at 0%!


Can anyone help me with this? Is there some sort of console command I can use to see whats going on or better yet force it to reset?


Any Idea's why how this could happen? Anybody experienced anything like this before?


Your help would be much appreciated. I have searched around the internet and havent been able to find a solution as yet/

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This happens because mods which revamp the skill system usually change how many times you need to use a skill before it increases, or change the amount that it raises, or how many skill ups are needed for a level or both. Since the methods employed by every level revamp mod may be different, this may be something which cannot be undone. Usually, those mods describe how they should be removed. If the mod uses OBSE, it may have changes which cannot be undone without scripting.


First, you should look to see if there are any removal instructions for that mod. If not, write down what your skills and stats are on a piece of paper, type showracemenu in console. Change your race to something else, accept, type showracemenu again to set your race back to what you were (you'll screw up vampirism if you have it), and manually adjust your level and stats back to what they were using player.setav <skill>, player.setlevel, ect. Hopefully this will put things back right, if not it is because some of the variables related to deciding when levels happen are still altered, in which case you will likely need to go back to using that mod, or revert back to a save made before that mod was added.


Let this be a lesson, ALWAYS have a few clean saves made before installing any major game changing mods, and ALWAYS make sure that you want to continue using those mods before you go spending too much time doing other stuff. Removing the effects of mods once they have been installed and saved with rarely works out to your benefit.

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hey, thanks for the info and advice.


Unfortunately in this case, there were no clear removal instructions that I could see. However, I ended up fixing the problem as far as I can tell, by forcing skill up's through the console.


After about 10 or so I got the level up. The funny thing is that at that point I reloaded the old save and the progress indicator bar for level was back to normal, not only that but it had been resolved for all my characters.




I dont see any other adverse effect everything seems back to normal. I can only think me forcing a level up via skills in the console made the system or maybe even my UI resync.


Anyway thanks for your help.

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  • 1 month later...
hey, thanks for the info and advice.


Unfortunately in this case, there were no clear removal instructions that I could see. However, I ended up fixing the problem as far as I can tell, by forcing skill up's through the console.


After about 10 or so I got the level up. The funny thing is that at that point I reloaded the old save and the progress indicator bar for level was back to normal, not only that but it had been resolved for all my characters.




I dont see any other adverse effect everything seems back to normal. I can only think me forcing a level up via skills in the console made the system or maybe even my UI resync.


Anyway thanks for your help.




HEY!. I don't understand. i have the same problem but i could not fix it like that... please help me.

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