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Trowing Knifes, Spears, etc...


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Knifes, swords (not shitkebab), sledge ham.. no not sledge hammer lol, being trowable items! :D


Yeah, well remember how older fallouts had trowing knifes & spears? Well, I would like them for fallout 3! Imagine having spear and trowing enemy with it! Or other way around! You fight bunch of raiders, try to hit / shoot one raider close to you who runs on you with melee, then other raiders start trowing knifes at you while you are busy with that one raider, you notice yourself already screming "aaarhg whelp" in middle of all this and after wards laugh uncontrollable for the whole situation after you pwned them / they pwned you. :)


Ok, enough of the story telling. So, could trowable knifes be made? And if so, could there be script also that the enemy uses them?.. thank you.. or just simply make item that is "trowing knife"..

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Hmm... there's a throwable knives mod somewhere, basically you used a specific workbench or a craft workbench to create them...

Otherwise... a fose script that turned 1 combat knife into a throwable knife after holding a key for a sec should be doable.

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Hmm... there's a throwable knives mod somewhere, basically you used a specific workbench or a craft workbench to create them...

Otherwise... a fose script that turned 1 combat knife into a throwable knife after holding a key for a sec should be doable.


Sorry but I dont use fose (I want the archievements so badly! ;P), any other way to make those? If not, I will just wait b4 I get F3 finished with all the archivements..

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To get throwing stuff? no need for fose.

To press a button and turn a normal melee combat knife into a throwable object? not without fose*



*unless you put it into the rock-it launcher, but then again, it's not really a throwing knife

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