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Temple of Elemental Evil


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Hey guys, big DnD fan here and I was wondering if anyone has put thought into a Temple of Elemental Evil (withstanding any possible copyright infringement) I am not a programmer by any means but am willing to voice act anything that needs to be voice-acted. I have a skype account (Geoffrey.Lee.Smith) if you want to hear my voice and any possible variations.


A full quest line as it was in the original DnD that takes you from about 3rd level to 18th is what I would like to see. I think this is possible given that Skyrim advances far beyond that.

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I don't think that would be possible due to the copyright you mention plus the fact that much of that module would have things specific to Greyhawk and the world of AD&D/D&D3.5 that would be difficult to reporoduce; Zuggtmoy, for example.


But it would be possible to "steal" and adapt the plot and make a village and castle with dungeon and put in a TES context. But that is kind of what Dawnguard and the Vampire lair does.


But if you want a ToEE game, I'd get Troika's game with the Circle of Eight patches. It's the only D&D3.5 game in existence that actually uses the proper rules. Baldur's Gate, Neverwinter Nights etc are all heavily adapted and customised.



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